New from Fuji…….

9 years, 10 months ago 22



Probably no one, that is a Fuji fan or user,  is unaware of the newest lens to be released shortly.  The 16mm f 1.4 is yet another of Fuji’s stellar fast lenses.  Joining the 23mm f 1.4 (35mm equiv.), the 35mm f 1.4 (50mm equiv.) and the 56mm f 1.2 (85mm equiv.)  the 16 fills that critical 24mm equivalent spot with real speed!!!!  It is close to the same size and weight of the 23mm, which is to say, in the three bears story form;  “just right”.  The lens I got to shoot at the Fuji National Sales Meeting in Phoenix this week was a late prototype, very, very close to a production lens.


How good is it?  If the production model is any sharper it will have to come with warning label about picking it up, you just might cut yourself!  No, seriously this is one tack sharp lens with gorgeous bokeh at the wide open setting.  The background goes completely dreamy when focusing close at f 1.4!!  See below!



The build quality is top notch, all metal, substantial feel, and the clutch manual focusing ring is a really great feature, that I’ve enjoyed very much on the 23mm and 14mm.   It is a 67mm filter size so it’s back to Bob Singh for yet another polarizer, but hey, I love Bob’s filters, and it’s always great to talk to my brother!!!!



I really enjoyed addressing the 140 Fuji team members in Phoenix, a great group of folks and I saw a lot of very exciting future products, sadly I’m under a non-disclosure agreement, but will break any news when I’m permitted to do so,  however I can tell you to get excited!!!  The Fuji team in Japan has been busy making a lot great products we will see in the future.  Trust me, there is much to anticipate!


I’m thankful for Justin Stailey’s invitation to join them and I plan to stay in touch.  The designers and engineers asked a lot of questions and were very focused on giving us, you and I,  the products we need, very refreshing!!!!  Fuji is doing it the right way, listening to the customer, and then acting on their suggestions!





I’m very much looking forward to my visit with the folks at Liberty University early next week and then on to do a workshop with the great Fred Sisson in Roanoke!  Life does not get much better than this!!!!!  It will though, when I stop in Corbin over the weekend to see Sherelene!




the pilgrim


P.S. Continue to pray for Sue Haverstock, it sounds like she is making good progress, let’s keep lifting her and Jim up!  Thanks to all of you that have joined us in a circle of prayer!

22 Responses

  1. Wayne Bennett Jr says:

    Hey Bill,
    Are you using the thin mount or regular mount filters from Singh?

  2. Alistair M says:

    With so much choice in lenses have you written anywhere about the best combination to get on a “limited” budget. EG what is the best all round wide angle that you would go for.
    Is Mr Singh a brother?

    • admin says:

      Yes Bob is a Brother, wonderful man, loves the Lord with all his heart! Great guy!

      Now to your lens question:
      I have, but I can do it again now! I consider the 18-55 and 55-200 a minimum
      kit that covers everything from 28-300 in just two lenses, both reasonable. The 18-135 covers
      everything from 28-200 in a single lens. For wider than 28 you really only have two
      choices, both are in the $999. range. 10-24, the most versatile, the 14mm the most
      compact and one stop faster. Best all around WA? I lean to the 10-24 for the most range (15-36 equiv.) vs the 14mm (21mm equiv.) There is a less expensive lens line, but I would stick
      with the “R” lenses. They are the pro all metal lenses. Hope that helps!

  3. Peter Gilbert says:

    OK Bill, so the 16 is a winner. I guess another revision to your Fuji Guide is now in order? 🙂

  4. Peter Gilbert says:

    OK, don’t mean to rush you!!

  5. Rene says:

    SWEET lens..

  6. Mike Kline says:

    Oh Fuji, you have produced another wonderful lens! I am seriously considering this lens for night time/astrophotography use. Do you know if anyone has taken any night sky photos with the new 16mm? I would like to compare those to my 14mm. Great info Bill and congratulations on becoming an official X photographer!

    • Bill Fortney says:

      I have not seen night work with it, but based on the extreme clarity of the optics and advanced coatings, I have to believe it will be stunning for astrophotographers! In my limited time with the lens I got the feeling it may among the very best lenses, yet produced by Fuji in the X line! …..and that is saying something!

  7. Scott Gregory says:

    Bill, thanks, as always, for your take on the Fuji products and the new ones proposed. You have a wonderful site to go to for information and to view great photography.

  8. […] A Brief Review of Formatt Hitech Filters for Mirrorless | Jason Row Lightroom CC & the Ghosts […]

  9. Jorge says:

    I use step up rings as all my singh-ray filters are 77mm from the Nikon days. That works for me

  10. […] 16mmF1.4 R WR Test in French at patricemichellon (translation) / Samples and first impressions at billfortney / Spain 2015 ~ The recce with Mischkah Scott (includes shots taken with 16mmF1.4) at prophotonut / […]

  11. Tim L says:

    Just came across your Photography and Faith blog. Great to see someone of faith involved in the photographic community. (I’m aware of your extensive history in the industry. It’s the faith part that I didn’t realize.) Keep up the great work!