Black Dog Salvage!

9 years ago 8



Wow, what a place!!  Black Dog Salvage is one incredible shooting location!  I checked it out today and I wanted to share some images from there.  I know that this will be a frequent stop for future workshops and personal work.  The variety of items in this location is simply stunning!  I hope you enjoy the images and they give you some ideas!!!!










Next week I want to share the story of a great young man I met at Liberty University and share is absolutely wonderful work with you, his name is Joel, and I can’t wait to show you his simply breathtaking work!


We started our Roanoke workshop and it was a delight to work with Fred Sisson after all these years of a great friendship!!!!




the pilgrim


One more, a ships door!  in Monochrome!



8 Responses

  1. Richard Browne says:

    Plus I see you got a new hat to add to your collection – if you also found a new burger joint, you must be in hog heaven! Enjoy the shooting!

  2. Bill Fortney says:

    Actually I found a killer Bar B Q place “Mission Bar B Q” a good portion of their profits go to the Wounded Warrior Foundation and their stuff is great!!! Going they tonight, wish you were with us!!!

  3. Jim says:

    Your killing me. What a great place and you are getting to share it with great friends. Tell everyone Hi for me.

  4. Mike Kline says:

    Welcome to the Noke!
    If you are looking for a local burger joint try Burger in the Square
    I agree that the bbq at Mission is really good and if you want to try a local bbq joint go visit the Village Grill as they have bbq from Big Lick and it is really good too!

    Enjoy your time here Bill and blessings on your workshop.

  5. Bill Fortney says:

    Thanks Mike!!!!! Roanoke is a great shooting location and the people are great and friendly, just like you! As an AMERICANA location, it is quickly becoming a favorite for me!!!!! Thanks for the advice! I will check these places out!

  6. Mike Early says:

    Bill, thanks again for another absolutely wonderful workshop. I agree that the Black Dog Salvage site was fantastic — I am really looking forward to processing those images. Oh yeah and the hundreds of others that I shot at the other locations on this workshop.

    Great photo opportunities and fantastic companionship — you have hit a “home run” with His Light Workshops! Bless both you and Jim for what you have created.

    Please take care, enjoy the time “off” over these next few weeks and I will see you again in Nashville.


    • Bill Fortney says:

      Mike, it’s always a joy to be in-the-field with you! I agree we nada great group, add Fred and it was a hit! Can’t wait to see you again In Nashville! Take care my friend!