How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice……

13 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice……

I went to the After Party for Photoshop World Wednesday night and got a chance to see Kelby’s band play again, I’m always amazed at how talented they are. Before the evening was over they invited my boss, brother, and friend Scott Diussa on stage to play with them, actually more of a series of solo performances. When you see Scott tear into a song, on his guitar, you can see first hand what years and years of practice produces. Scott is a really great guitarist. While I confess to not knowing a lot about the genre’ of music he plays, I was engrossed in both his talent and the sheer joy he has playing. It was like seeing, in musical terms, how you feel out with your camera when you’re really in the zone and everything is hitting spot on.

So I put my newly learned concert photography skill set, ( still very new, and under construction ), to work. Enjoy the fun they were having. Life is short; work hard, play hard, and serve Him with all you have! Don’t hold back, He didn’t……..

Whatever you do, do it with all your
heart, and soul. Thank you my brother
for a great evening and lots of smiles….

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: All images hand held
withe VR on. D7000, 24-120 AFS
VR. All shot at F4 – ISO 6400.

Shot live at the Photoshop World After
Party at B.B. Kings in Orlando, Florida.

See, I cut his foot off, I know better than that!!!

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