The three keys to Happiness…………

13 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on The three keys to Happiness…………

It is rare for me to enjoy family when on these two week on the road warrior trips, but since my son and his family live in St. Augustine, they have come down to visit me and Sherelene over the weekend before I start my assignment at Sun n’ Fun Air Show Monday. As you know, I’m always looking for a great burger so last night we hit the mall and I had a Five Guys cheeseburger, a special treat on this diet plan. On Weight Watchers you count points, I get 39 points a day plus that many bonus points that can be spread across the week, the burger cost 14 points and a few fries about 4 points more, but it was worth it. Sherelene will sun, and beach it while I work and then fly home after I leave for the Masters on Saturday. At least I will get to spend my evening with her when I get each days work done. I’m also going over to Photoshop World in Orlando to catch Scott Diussa’s Concert Photography Workshop, that should be a blast, hopefully I will get a chance to see him play, he’s outrageous on the guitar. Next week I will work the Masters with Mike Anskat and Bill Pekala, both great friends.

O.K. what is this stuff about the three keys
to happiness? First, just a quick note,
happiness is not the same as joy, joy is
a long term inner peace that lasts even
beyond your circumstances, happiness
is a little more fleeting, but yet still import-
ant. I was listening to a book on the long
drive down by Brad Thor, another thing
Bill Pekala and I share, we love many of
the same authors. Anyway in this book
an interesting point was when a woman
asked the protagonist if he was happy, he
asked her to define happiness, she said,
“You need three things to be happy,
something to do, someone to love, and
something to look forward to.” That line
struck me as being filled with truth.

I think that is pretty much right in the mark.
I know that I have plenty to do, and act-
ually love what I do. My job is stressful in
some ways but always a joy. I love the
people I’m tasked to serve and really
enjoy the people I work with.

I really do have plenty of people to love. My wife, my family, my brothers and sisters in Christ, loved ones and close friends, my co-workers, and clients. I also really love those I witness to, as Christ leads me to witness He brings more special people into my life.

Lastly I have lots to look forward to, both now and into eternity. At this very moment I’m excited about the next two assignments, I love airplanes and airplane people so this coming week will be a blast, even if, a lot of work. The Masters will reconnect me with many great professional friends.
I’m extremely excited about the workshop the week after that with Jim and a group of wonderful friends in Shaker Village. That group is filled with people that I dearly love to spend time with including my brother Homer, and Ricky Skaggs. If I start naming the rest I would have to name them all, such is my love for each of them. This is a very special group of photographers and friends.

No one knows how many days we have left on this earth, but for as long as the lord leaves me here I have great expectations for wonderful things to happen right here. Later, to be with the Lord and all those that have passed on, will be the greatest joy of all.

I pray that you have something to do you love, people to love, and something to look forward to in your life as well. You can, it’s a choice.

the pilgrim

* Photo Note: All D700, 24-120 AFS VR f4. ISO 3200 Photo of the pilgrim by Hannah Fortney.

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