Having the light…….

13 years, 1 month ago Comments Off on Having the light…….

As a photographer when we walk up to a subject in early morning, we anticipate what the light will give us. We wonder if it will be flat and colorless or abound with the rich early morning hues of gold and red. On this morning above, I got very fortunate and the right light appeared for the perfect subject. One of the things that makes photography so exciting is you never know what your going to get, as they say in Texas, “some days you eat the bear, some days the bear eats you!”

I think what keep photography new for me after 41 years is the anticipation of what just might happen! Light makes or breaks most photographic situations. Sometimes the light is not what you had prayed, or hoped for. The measure of a real shooter is can you find the right subject for whatever light you get?!

In life, there is only one light, Jesus. You either have Him or you don’t. Life just won’t be what it should have been without Him.

So, if you have The Light, you have it made…….

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: Nikon D3, 70-300 AFS VR lens f16 @ 1/5th of a second.

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