The town you can love to hate……….

13 years, 2 months ago Comments Off on The town you can love to hate……….

Back in Las Vegas, another meeting, another Casino Hotel. I enjoy the conventions, catching up with co-workers, and friends, and clients you only see once a year, but this town……… Nothing about this place is real. It’s a place people escape to with the promise that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”, but it doesn’t. Wherever you are, and whatever your behavior happens to be, you must take ownership of it. Just because no one back home knows what you did, that doesn’t mean you don’t know. It certainly doesn’t mean God doesn’t know. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not being judgmental, people are people,and people will do stupid things, I’ve done stupid things, but I’m at a place in my life now that I don’t desire to come to this place and do things I hope know one will ever find out about.

It is a big lie, from the enemy, that we can quote, “get away with things…” You never get away with anything, if no one ever finds out, you know, and over time, anything that must be kept a secret, will damage you. Driving in from the airport today in the cab, I saw a very large billboard
advertising a hotel, it display a alluring woman in lingerie, the message was, “A Good Amount of a Bad Thing.” Suggesting that there is a right amount of a bad thing. I’m probably sounding a lot like a prude at this moment, but I’ve seen what a little “innocent fun”, that wasn’t so innocent at all, has done to relationships of friends. Many a broken marriage has been ship wrecked on these kinds of “innocent things”. I think what I dislike the most about this place is how blatant the suggestions are. I know I’m from the Bible belt and nothing like that would ever stay on a billboard for more than an hour back home, but it seems strange to me that a place like this has to exist. Hey this can me a great place, good food, good shows, pretty lights, but the rest doesn’t appeal to me at all.

O.K. said it, got it off my chest, will try to find something positive to say on Tuesday!
Sometimes it’s good to rant if it’s for a good cause.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: D7000 24-120 @ 24mm, F16 @ 30 seconds.

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