A subject; Old and Rusting, but still exhibiting character

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Today at 6:00 a.m. I turned 65. To some that is the beginning of the end. Not for me. Several years ago while driving down the road with my wife, I noticed just how weathered and wrinkled my hands had become. I felt as if I was looking at my fathers hands. I turned to her and said,
“Whose hands are at the end of my arms?!” It was a statement of the shock that so many years had gone by, and the evidence was right in front of my eyes. When we age, we can see it as one of two paths. We can say, I’m growing old, I’m slowly headed toward the end, I’m used up, or we can say, wow, what a great thing it is that I’ve lived long enough to learn so many valuable lessons and now I can apply them to my life to be of more value to those I love.

I choose the second. Do I look like I’m in my mid thirties? Of course not, nor should I. I look like a man that has been up and down the hills a bunch of times. Every wrinkle and crease speaks of a life experience that has allowed me to still be standing here today. God has blessed me with a lot tough situations, all of which, have given me just a little more wisdom than I had before. I believe that God does not give us wisdom so we an claim to be wise, I’m sure he does it so we can live wisely.

If I believed that the end of physical life meant the end of everything. If I believed that when my body goes back to dust it will all be over, I would probably feel differently, but I don’t believe that.
I believe that this life is just a rehearsal for eternity. I believe we have a lot to look forward to
on the other side. If I’m wrong, I still choose to live in a daily walk with HIm. I want to exhibit

character |ˈkariktər|
1 the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual : running away was not in keeping with her character.
• the distinctive nature of something : gas lamps give the area its character.
• the quality of being individual, typically in an interesting or unusual way : the island is full of character.
• strength and originality in a person’s nature : she had character as well as beauty.
• a person’s good reputation : to what do I owe this attack on my character?

I want to have strength and originality as a part of my nature, and I want it to be the strength and originality that comes from an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. If can have that I can deal
with the wrinkles, creases, the pops and cracks when I get out of bed. I aspire to live a life that leads people to ask, how did he get so lucky!? Then I want to share with them that it wasn’t luck.
No as the astronauts have said, “Luck is not a factor…..” No, luck is chance, a lifetime walk with Christ is very deliberate….and the results are self evident.

the pilgrim

*Photo note: D7000.

Opps! sorry, Wednesday Weigh in: Lost 3 more pounds. Total so far 12 pounds first five weeks.

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