Taking a moment to be thankful….

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on Taking a moment to be thankful….

This morning I got an email from my dear friend, Captain Steven W. Young. Steven is a 767 Captain for United Airlines, usually doing the LA to Hawaii flight each weekend. Tough job, but somebody has to do it….. Steven and I met through the world of ultra light aviation. Steven and I both fly Part 103 ultralights and find incredible joy from it. I’ve also been blessed by his friendship and mentorship as a pilot.

This little clip is a great way to start your day, actually everyday. Take a moment to watch this little video clip and think about it’s incredible message. I pray it blesses you as much as it did me,
and Steven for one more favor, thank you!

the pilgrim

I dedicate this entry to my son Wesley, who has the deepest respect, and heart for our service men and women. I’m proud of you son………

Check the Events page, it has been updated!

No Post Friday, traveling to St. Louis, may post Friday evening…..

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