Portland Fuji Summit
The Portland Fuji Summit was a great event, great attendees, a wonderful team, and lousy weather, fires, and lots of smoke. The one morning we went out to do a landscape shot we got only th breifest of color, above, but it was still a lot fun!
Dan Bailey, Dan Westergren and Jack were all in high form, as usual, and the guests had a good time. We went to a Dahlia farm and we all had fun shooting the tons of varieties! I’m not a flower photogrpaher, but even I had fun, some samples below!
The top shot was with the Fuji 100-400 all the flower images were made with the 90mm f 2 lens. Up next the Grand Tetons!!!
the pilgrim
This entry was posted on Monday, September 11th, 2017 at 3:11 pm
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Glad you got something! I made it out a day before the fires intensified and thankfully gave up plans to hike the Eagle Creek trail and instead shot up around Seattle.
It was pretty bacd!
Lovely set of photos, Bill.
Thanks Khurt!
Bill, were the flowers shot made with the 90mm made with the use of an extension tube? I have the 90 and have not tried it with flower shots. I am looking at buying the 80mm also, but maybe my 90 would fill the bill for me??
What is your final conclusion of the 18-55/55-200 as compared to the 18-135? I have all three lenses, but tend to carry the 18-135 for convenience. Has your field testing shown the two lenses combination to be better enough than the 18-135 to justify the two lens carry? (Too lazy to do extensive testing myself.)
Wish I could be with you guys in the Smokies, but I am in recovery from bypass heart surgery I had immediately after leaving the Palouse workshop. Apparently, per the doctor, I was having mini-attacks while I was there – explaining my extreme fatigue. Recovery is coming along just fine.
Jerry R
First, so very glad to hear you are getting better. You will definately be on my prayer list!!!!
To the lenses. The flower shots were the 90mm straight, no extension. I like the 18-55 and 55-200 better, I think they have a “small” edge in sharpness, but it is small! I shot the 80mm Macro for about a week, and it is very, very sharp! It is 50% bigger than the 90mm but equally sharp. I’m still on the fence, I love the 90mm and think with extension will do the same things! Of course the 80mm Macro will be easier to use with the built in extension.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I have the Fuji extension tubes. Think I will experiment with the 90 before taking delivery with the 80.
Jerry R
Good plan!
Beautiful shots, Bill. The flowers are lovely.
Thank you, rare for me!
The Fuji X Summit was one of the crowning gems on my XT-2 education. Thank – You to the whole gang of instructors and the Fuji technical support staff. Now I just have to transcribe me countless notes I made during the excellent sessions that where presents.
Looking forward to the next time.
Chris, it is always a great pleasure to have you along!!!