Day 11: Winter Project

2 months, 3 weeks ago 10
Posted in: blog


Like most of us, I have a lot of “Junk” in my life!  To many things; collections, stuff, material possesions that I don ‘t really need, so on Thanksgiving I won’t be thankful any of that!  So what will I be giving thanks for?


My Lord and Savior  Jesus Christ and his forgiveness and grace!


My family; Sherelene, Scott & Diane, Ben, and Tawny & Kearnes.  Catherine & Clint, Cade & Cassidy, Rhonda, Elijah and Abigail. My brother Homer. I’ll be thankful for the years we had Wesley with us here.  For all of the rest of my family!


For a handful of the best friends a man could hope for, too many to name, but especially, Jack, Jim and Carl.


A life filled with adventures and joys to numerous to mention!


I plan eat too much good food and love on my family and sleep like a baby the night after!


I hope you do the same!


Happy Thanksgiving week!



the pilgrim


Technical Data:  Lumix GX-85, Lumix G Vario 35-100/f 2.8 II, ISO 800, 1/1,000th of a second at f 2.8

10 Responses

  1. James+Haverstock says:

    Friendship is a blessing in our lives. I am blessed to have you as a friend and brother.

  2. Walter Willis says:

    Back at you, Bill. Grateful for you!

  3. Eric Wojtkun says:

    Ah yes…lots of food and family headed our way…we host this year!

  4. John Gompf says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Bill to you and your family. Enjoy the day!

  5. Bill
    You have touched so many lives and made a difference not only in improving their photography skills but more importantly your faith in Jesus Christ and the life you live. Again (as I have said several times) I only met you once in Nashville but you have had a profound impact on my life. You and Jim Haverstock were wonderful to me. God bless you and I hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.