Are you a hood ornament or what’s under the hood?

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on Are you a hood ornament or what’s under the hood?

Simple question, you know what a hood ornament is and it’s function, to decorate. What’s under the hood is what moves the car or truck. We can choose to be either in life. If we choose to be an ornament, read the definition below and ask yourself if that what you would like your life to be.
Believe it or not, many do. Let’s make our lives something much more valuable. Be someone that makes a difference in the lives of others. Ornaments are cool, the engine is much, much more…..

the pilgrim

noun |ˈôrnəmənt|
a thing used to adorn something but usually having no practical purpose, esp. a small object such as a figurine.
• a quality or person adding grace, beauty, or honor to something : the design would be a great ornament to the metropolis.
• decoration added to embellish something, esp. a building : it served more for ornament than for protection.
• ( ornaments) Music embellishments and decorations, such as trills or grace notes, added to a melody

Photo Note: Nikon Coolpix P7000.

Weigh in Note due yesterday: I’m down 3 lbs. first week.

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