Gaining some traction……….

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on Gaining some traction……….

Today I had to replace my tires on the FJ Cruiser. Wow! what a difference with fresh treads. I had put off doing it because the Michelins I use are far from cheap, but they’re great tires. I had allowed the tread to get way to thin, and was feeling it in rain and snow. I was really shocked how much more sure footed the vehicle was after the new tires.

Has your spiritual life ever been slipping and sliding out of control or to close to the ditch? I sure have had those times. I have some suggestions to keep you going straight down the spiritual road.

Read the instruction manual. If you are in the Word as much as possible it will give your spiritual walk great stability. The enemy can’t lie to you if you’re getting your information straight from the source. God’s Word gives us confidence and the knowledge we need to defeat all the attacks that will come our way.

Call the Tower for better flight information. God is the tower and prayer is your radio, leave it on.
Talk to God through out the day, all day, every day. He is waiting for your call, and He has instructions, and comfort you need to make a safe landing.

Concentrate on the facts. These are the facts: God loves you, God accepts you just as you are,
God has provided forgiveness for all your sins through His Son Jesus. God wants only the best for you. God will protect you, if you stay close to Him. God will never lie to you or forsake you.
The same God that made the Universe, considers you His greatest creation. (All this is in the instruction manual, by-the-way)

Be eternally thankful for all He has done. Praise and Honor Him without ceasing every moment of your life.

That will keep you from “Slip-Sliden’ away”…………….

the pilgrim

Another snow, enjoy

Photo Note: D7000 and 16-85 AFS VR lens.

Tech Friday will return soon, working on new ideas for what to cover.

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