It’s time…………………

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on It’s time…………………

I don’t mean any disrespect to whom ever is on the back of this motorcycle, I actually would like to thank them. If it were me on the back of that motorcycle, it might have been even worse. No, they have inspired me to know; it’s time.

Every New Years Day I make resolutions, good ones, serious ones. This year I came upon this scene and shot a quick picture, just couldn’t help myself. This year I am making no resolutions, just one promise to myself. I’m going to get healthy. Truth of the matter is I’m in terrible shape, over weight, don’t manage my diabetes like I should, and my favorite physical activity is taking a nap!

I am not trying to get six pack abs, and I do not plan to run in a marathon, nope I just want to feel like staying up to see the end of the football game that starts at 8:30. Now, why am I sharing this with all of you? Actually on several occasions over the last few years when I asked for your prayers for myself or others, you’ve come through like champions. Truthfully, this is not the first time I’ve made this promise to myself, but so far I’ve been met with mostly failure. Next month I turn 65. I really want to be able to continue to serve the Lord, be a husband, father and grandfather to an active family. I want to continue to do my best for Nikon, and shoot a lot more images to share with you, and yes, still write this blog everyday!

O.K. the request is simple, please consider praying for me. I need God’s strength, guidance,
and protection. My promise to you is I will be honest with you about how it’s going. I want this part of my life to Glorify God too. I’m certainly not afraid to die, but I don’t want to live a single day unless it is to the fullest.

Thanks for being out there, checking in to the blog from time to time, and giving me a great deal of
pleasure when I know that God is using this little blog to bless others and glorify Himself.

the pilgrim

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