Close-up Week

12 years, 7 months ago Comments Off on Close-up Week

It is my understanding that my Close-up Class – Part 1 will go live on Kelby Training this week. In celebration I shot my pepper shaker in the kitchen this morning. When your sixty five this is what
amounts to a celebration. This Sunday I’m celebrating something far more meaningful, my Lord is
alive, and I have friends like you guys and gals. I’m still very touched by your outpouring of concern this last week, and I won’t forget it.

I will be flying out to Reno for the annual air races on Monday afternoon. For those of you that like airplanes this will be a good week for you, for the rest of you I will try to find other ways to show how to shoot at an event devoted to aviation. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year, I love the shooters I see out there, and you know how much I love airplanes. This will be my 6th trip to the races and I am going to challenge myself to find some new ways to approach a, now familiar subject.

Watch for this week for
the release of my new
class, I’m excited to
see how it turned out
myself, you never know
how it looks since your
on the lens end of the
video camera.

Stayed tuned and pray
that God will give me
some interesting missions
out in Reno. I’m always
excited about what He
will do when we tell Him we are ready to serve Him.

the pilgrim

Next entry, Tuesday of this week.

* Nikon D7000 – 85mm Micro Nikkor DX f 3.5 Top shot 3 exposure HDR in Photomatix Pro

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