12 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on iN aLL YOU DO, HONOR HIM

Colossians 3:23 New Living Translation (NLT)

23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
If we have given our lives and hearts to Him, we are commanded to live for Him. To honor Him in all we do.

Why? Because when we consider what He has done for us it becomes the desire of our heart to honor and worship HIm.

When? Not monthly, not weekly, not even daily, but every moment of our lives we are to honor Him.

Where? Everywhere. At home, at work, on vacation, under the sea, and high in the air. Everywhere you go, do all, as unto Him.

How? We must honor Him with His:
1. Love. Unconditional love for others, just like His love for us. He gave His life for us.
2. Compassion. Deep care and concern for others welfare and condition. His compassion.
3. Grace. Love given freely and unmerited, just as He gave His to us.
4. Forgiveness. Let it go, give it to Him, forget it, just as He forgave us.
5. Power. We could never accomplish His mission for us in out own strength, but He, through the Holy Spirit can enable us to accomplish all He requires of us.

In scripture it says that He not only forgave us, but that he threw our sins as far as the east is from the west and, remembers them no more. Let me share a wonderful story;

There once was a young girl in a Mexican village and she told her parents and friends that Jesus
was visiting her and talking with her. Soon there was stir of interest in her wonderful stories of what Jesus was saying. The Catholic Priest was concerned about these stories and called the young girl in and asked her about her visits with Jesus. In order to prove to everyone that his
child was not actually being visited by Christ, he asked her to ask Jesus a question the next time He visited her. The question was what sin did He just confess to Jesus. Several days later the Priest called the little girl and asked her to come back in. He asked if she has seen Jesus since they had last talked. The little girl said, yes she had, and the Priest asked what Jesus and said when she asked what sin the Priest had confessed. The little girl said, He said, “I forgot”. That may have not been what the Priest expected, but it was the correct answer. He not only forgives us, he even forgets our sins.

God wants you to Live Large.
Large in a Never Ending Hope. 1 Peter 1:3-4 : 23
Large in Mercy & Grace. Titus 3:5
Large in Love. 1 John 4:7
Large in Overcoming Evil. 1 John 5:18
Large in Victory. 1 John 5:4

Come Just As You Are

Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
come and live forever

Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever

Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again

Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever

Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again

Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever

Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again
Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again

Come just as you are
Don’t you hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Christ my King
Come and live forevermore

Today’s blog was written in response to an email I got from someone that attended the class I taught at Dury’s last weekend in Nashville. The person thanked me for coming and sharing with them and sharing my faith openly. They said it was rare to see someone be so open to share their faith public-ally. My Savior gave me a new life and desires for me to “Live Large”. It could be no other way. I could not bare to fail HIm.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: Painted brick wall in my hometown, Nikon D3x, 70-300 AFS VR.

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