Half Full

13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on Half Full

Not my stomach, that’s completely full, nope my life! Even when things are difficult, not today though, I see my glass as half full not, the other way around. Optimism for a Christian is not some fuzzy, half hope that things will be o.k. It’s the full knowledge that in fact God is in control and He had promised us He will always be watching out for us. A life that is lived in fear and dread is not what God desires for us, and we don’t have to live that way.

God has promised us treasures beyond measure, two of mine are above, my granddaughter, Hannah Noel, and my grandson, Benjamin Luke. When they cuddle up to me on the couch,
I believe I’m truly a wealthy man.

When God whispers to me in prayer that He has a plan for me, and He will not let me fail,
I know I’m wealthy beyond measure.

How is your glass doing, is it half full, or half empty? With God, it will always be, over flowing!

the pilgrim

*Photo note: D7000, 16-85 AFS VR ISO 3200.

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