13 years, 4 months ago Comments Off on IS IT JUST ME?

I was driving down the road today when a car passed and I caught a glimpse of this bumper sticker. O.K. it may be cute but to me it borders on being sacrilegious. I’ve also seen the Ichthus symbol, you know, the fish, that has grown legs and says Darwin inside, another, at least I think,
swipe at Christians. The world would explode if you had a bumper sticker on your car that took a
shot at Muslims, or Buddhists, but Christians are fair game. This organization is a part of the

Humane Society and it promotes kindness to animals and animal adoption, both very worthy causes, but do you have to border on this kind of stuff to sell your mission????? Hey guys,
I love dogs, and have had a lot of them, and consider them family, but is this right?

Maybe I’m being overly sensitive, but after a Holy season with lawsuits to prevent Nativity scenes
on public property and stores being sued for having signs up that say Merry Christmas, is it no wonder………..

the pilgrim

“Come on Man” chime in on this…………..

Oh, and this one………

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