Image of the Week

4 years, 5 months ago 6
Posted in: blog


I was walking through downtown St. Petersburg, Florida when I saw this homeless man.  i stopped and talked with  him and after a few minutes asked him if I could photograph him.  I thought he looked like an aging Ernest Hemingway.  I bought him breakfast and ate with him.  I’m glad I met him and made this image. To this day, I pray for him from time to time.




the pilgrim

6 Responses

  1. David W says:

    I vaguely remember having seen this image before but I can’t recall where. It may have been at a program you did for the Photographic Society of Chattanooga. It’s a great image I happy to see again. I can learn a lot about portraits from studying this image.

  2. Carl says:

    To me this has all a ingredients that a portrait should have – including LOTS of emotion!

    • Bill Fortney says:

      it was emotionala to meet him and talk with him, I was honored that he allowed me to photogaph him.
      “There, but for the grace of God, go I!”

  3. Donna M. says:

    He wears his soul on his face.