It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas………………

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas………………

I visited some clients in Knoxville and Gatlinburg today and then slipped into the Smokies to get a few shots. In the high mountains they got over 16 inches of snow. It looked a lot like this, if you could have driven high enough to make the shot, this shot was made several years ago, but trees are trees, and snow is snow, either way this looks like Christmas to me!

Hope to have some other shots to share after a shoot tomorrow. I did get by the Primitive Baptist Church in Cades Cove and got a shot I converted to Black and White that I liked. Please let me encourage you to get out and shoot some new things, it might be cold, or the light might not be what you hoped for, but it’s still fun to push that shutter release.

Father, thank you for the wonderful opportunity to capture your world.

the pilgrim

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