13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on WELCOME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS……….

I wish everyone of you that share this journey, with me, could drop by and have steaming mug of hot chocolate by the fire. This weekend Sherelene and I started our Christmas decorating and I just wanted you to see the warm welcome that awaits you. Now this is just an earthly home, can you imagine what our Heavenly Father has prepared for us!

I have to admit to being a total child about Christmas. I can’t wait to decorate and play Christmas music through out the house. My musical tastes run far and wide, on any given moment you may hear Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, John Denver, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I’ve got a lot Mannheim Steamroller, and some light jazz as well. The fire place is roaring anytime it is cold enough, and I’ve been known to leave the door open to make cold enough……. There is always room on the leather couch and I may have one of the largest collections of Christmas movies on DVD’s, you’ve ever seen. I would love to watch one with you, I have a bunch of favorites including, I bet, some of yours…….

O.K. what’s going on here???? Actually, it’s really simple. We celebrate this season because Jesus was born, and came to teach us, love us, and save us. My attempt to paint a picture of sincere hospitality, warmth, and acceptance, is a very poor substitute for the invitation He offers to each of us.

As we start into the Christmas season I hope you will take His invitation to heart. And by-the-way,
if you’re near Corbin, you are welcome in my home as well……..

The first of many Merry Christmas wishes…………

the pilgrim

*Photo note: D7000, 12-24 AFS lens, 1/2 second @ f8, ISO 400.

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