Ready to leave for home……..

13 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on Ready to leave for home……..

This trip to New York has reveled some important revelations, O.K. maybe not revelations, but certainly great reminders of some important things I need to think about, more often.

First, friends are one of our most valuable assets. I really love and appreciate my Nikon co -workers. If I start naming people I’m going to get in real trouble, because they are all so special,
but I’ve never been one to use much wisdom, so I really enjoyed being with Scott Diussa and Mark Kettenhofen. I always love to be around Anne Cahill, Paul Van Allen, Jason Stewart, Chris Knapp, Sara Moosebruger, Kris Bosworth, and Sam Garcia. One of the greatest people to ever work at Nikon and my dear friend Sharlie Douglas, is always a joy to spend time around. Then there are the great friends that show up to just say hi and catch-up. Wonderful people like John Gompf, Frank Daniti, Mark Alberhasky, and a real treat today when one of the greatest tech reps ever came back for a visit, Stanley Menscher, (with me below). Stanley worked for Nikon Professional Services for over 40 years.

Then there was Jeff Scholl and Richard LoPinto, former VP at Nikon and anther good friend, as I say the list just goes on and on. The lesson in all this is that God truly blesses us if He gives us people to care about, care for, and be inspired by. With all of these folks, and many others, this has been true for me.

The second thing that really blesses me is working for Nikon. I’m truly proud of the company I work for and the great stuff we make. I truly believe, that while there are lots of great cameras and lenses out there today, the very best come from us. One of the displays I saw today was a reminder that a Nikon camera has been on every NASA mission from the beginning. A true testament to the quality and reliability of our equipment. We missed Bill Pekala, Mark Suban and Ron Taniwaki, all at the Cape waiting for the next shuttle launch. We introduced a number of very exciting new products at the show including the D7000 and P7000 and a number of new lenses, It just keeps getting, better and better.

Pictured above, all of the Nikon SLRs that have gone into space. From the Nikon F to the Nikon
D3s. Including F2’s, F3’s, F4’s, F5’s, D1’s, D2’s and D3’s. I have owned everyone of these cameras through the years. What a heritage, and just ow much we have learned from all that development work.

Finally, tonight is my favorite night on every assignment, the night I pack my bags in preparation of going home. It is a wonderful feeling, folding your clothes and packing your suitcase and other bags. It is the first time you will allow yourself the joy of knowing, within handful of hours you will be back in your families arms.

So I guess I’m trying to say thank you for your prayers, you opened my heart to see the value in even being in New York. God can bless us, protect us, and teach us anywhere. Thanks for the reminder.


the pilgrim.

Yep, P7000, get use to it, this little camera will be a constant companion.

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