My First Love…….

1 year, 6 months ago 4
Posted in: blog


In November of 2011 I bought my first Fujifilm camera, the little X10 and it was love a first sight.  I still can’t believe the quality of the files to come out of this little $699. compact camera.  The lens was razor sharp and the colors wonderful, see for yourself!



That little camera cost me a heck of lot of money as I have bought virtually every camera and lens Fujifilm has produced since 2011!





the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. Rodney McKnight says:

    Old friends (X-T1) and first loves (X10)…just like life!

  2. Bill+Fortney says:

    Yes, some of our best memories are with friends from long ago! You certainly fit the bill!

  3. Carl says:

    Man, what are you thinking? How much money you have spent? Think about all the people you have influenced to buy the same equipment! Zillions of $’s – all based upon your word!

    The power of the tongue – Jesus was right – the most powerful force on earth!