My Favorites – Part 2

1 year, 4 months ago 4
Posted in: blog

This image is one that I stole, well I didn’t steal it, but Chuck Barnes did one like it at a workshop in Savannah, turned it in for review and when I saw it I said, I love it and you will tell me where you shot it!  He took me to the location and I shot a very similar image, I loved the shot and wanted to capture it myself, but it’s not really my shot!  So I’m giving myself permission to add an extra shot in the blog entry, and for this one congratulate Chuck!


I was speaking at the Florida Bird gathering a few years ago and one of the instructors brought a big selection of reptiles and set them up in a classroom for us to photograph.  He had the proper plants to pose them on and all we had to do was move from station to station to photograph them.  Most people were using flash, but I wanted to make a less contrasty image so I used the X-T1 with the 55-200 zoom and a Nikon 5T Diopter, I had to shoot at ISO 6400 to get enough shutter speed to handhold, but the noise was very low in the final file!  This is much better than fighting mosquitos and snakes to do it in Costa Rico!


This shot made in northern Ohio during one of mine and Jack’s Amish Photography Workshops.  It was a fantastic morning with great fall color and thick fog, when I look at this image it reminds me of what a great time I’ve had teaching and shooting with Jack! Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good!


I don’t know what it is about this image that appeals so much to me.  It was shot at Nelson Ghost Town just south of Las Vegas.  i love the texture differences between the gleaming chrome on the bicycle, and the rough texture of the wood and rusty signs.


When jack and I teach workshops on either coast we love to knock around the fishing docks, this dingy was a great pale blue color and someone had left a orange life jacket on the seat, it was a perfect set-up for the kind of imaI love to make, design and color of color sake!


Shot very recently when Dr. Paul Pedersen and I went up for a flight in his Gruman American airplane, on our final approach I got the shot with my iPhone and I love the red cowling of  his plane and the beautiful sight of the runway stretched out right in from of us on final approach.  This is my home airport and I’ve flown out of here a number of times!



Number of years ago I was attending an ISAP Meeting (International Association of Aerial Photographers) and we got the chance to see and photograph the brand new “First” F-35.  They set up a metal stairs so we could get a unique angle on the plane, and i chose to concentrate my shot on just the canopy!  Not many people outside the hard core aviation community even new about this plane then, it is now in full service!


Hope you enjoyed these and as a final thing I have two mages to share with you, the one I made and the one I created, not sure how I feel bout the one with an added sky, I love it, but I can’t bring my self to do it!  You can fire off for thoughts!







the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. Eric Wojtkun says:

    Nice way to start a Sunday afternoon following church…God Bless.

  2. Bill+Fortney says:

    Glad to add something good to your day!

  3. David+W says:

    Wonderful images and great stories make for a great evening catching up on the blog.

    I see two images of the lighthouse: one is a documentary shot of a newspaperman and the other is the creative expression of an artist. As I have learned from you, a good image tells a story. Which image is “better” depends upon the story you wish to tell. I like both stories but I prefer the one with the clouds.

  4. Richard Browne says:

    As David says, when you do a sky replacement, you’re functioning as an artist. A plein air painter goes out and paints the natural world, but makes any artistic changes to it that he or she desires. Nobody then says, “But was the sky that way when you painted it?” or “Isn’t there a tree there when you look at the barn from that angle?” You have artistic license to make changes. As long as you acknowledge that you have made the change (and don’t try to sneak a “fake” image through a photography competition), then I see nothing at all wrong with doing sky replacements. Particularly after I watched a video showing how Ansel Adams processed his photographs (thinking specifically of Moonrise Over Hernandez, New Mexico), I have very little problem with making modifications to photographs.