Coming Soon!

10 months, 3 weeks ago 4
Posted in: blog


Monday September 25th @ Grace On The Hill Community Church. Corbin, KY.   I will be doing a 1.5 hour class beginning at 7:00 pm that evening.  The class will be my latest eBook, How Did You See That!? – Learning to See Photographically.


Admission is free and each participant will receive free, the new eBook!

To register please call Gus Clouse at (606) 528-6840





the pilgrim

4 Responses

  1. David+W says:

    Oh, man. I would love to attend but is a little over 3 hours each way so I cannot make it. I’m certain it will be a wonderful session.

  2. Rodney McKnight says:

    I have learned so much from you and Jack..but if I could could choose one more thing to learn, this would be it…how did you see that! Can’t attend your class but look forward to your e book.

  3. Bill Fortney says:

    I’ll be sure you have a copy Rodney!