What are our Credentials?

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on What are our Credentials?

I got an interesting email from a person taking a little issue with what I share on this blog. The person, the first by-the-way, felt that I was speaking above my authority to share some of the thoughts that appear here. That’s o.k. I know that I will never make everyone happy, and in fact if I do, I’m probably not turning over enough rocks. I’m not upset and I actually appreciate the email because it caused me to think about the criticism, and come to some important conclusions.

First: He was right, I’m not a high enough authority to expound some of what is written in this blog. That’s why this sentence appears on the opening page, and has from the beginning:

“I am not in any way qualified or sufficient to impart this wisdom. It is in fact not from me, but from the inspiration that comes from Him.” the pilgrim

Second: If I’m not qualified to impart wisdom why am I doing it? Easy, I was once lost, but now I’m found. I didn’t find myself, He did. His only request is that if we accept His forgiveness and a new life that we share that “Good News”. That is what I do here, plus have a little fun. Even what I try to do to glorify Him is through His power, not mine. I think anyone that knows me and reads this blog, knows this material is coming from a much, much higher power than myself.

Third: I will never apologize for serving Him. (Period) Jesus said, “If you are ashamed of me before man, I will be ashamed of you before my Father in Heaven.” I’m not going to chance that……..


the pilgrim

*Photo note: Nikon D700 body, 75-300 AFS VR Leather tool work in a shop in Santa Fe. Has nothing to do with the blog subject, just like the shot.

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