The Art of kicking back………

13 years, 8 months ago Comments Off on The Art of kicking back………

The last weekend of summer activities, or at least that’s what we have deemed Labor Day to be.
Just because kids are back in school, football season has officially started,and night time temps have started to dip back into the forties doesn’t mean relaxing has ended. Jesus set the example when he went away from his disciples and prayed to His Father. He took time away from the daily duties and recharged His physical and spiritual batteries.

Today’s message is a simple one. Take time. Take time to be quiet and listen to His voice. Take time to sit quietly and let something as simple as the breeze affect you. Get alone and pray and listen. Take a nap. Our lives have become a jumble of activities and responsibilities. God wants you to rest and to communicate with Him. I really believe that we have forgotten how to do that, or at least, we get so out of practice that we have a hard time getting back to it.

While I’m crusading for changes in your life, (and mine). Let’s do a few other things that need to be done, and sometimes get neglected.

Take a moment to listen to your child or grandchild. Let them tell you what they want to share with you. Listen and be supportive. This may have a far greater affect on their lives than you could ever imagine.

Ask your spouse what you could do to make his or her life better. Then really listen and make every effort to supply their request.

Ask God to show you how He wants you to change your heart so that you can better serve Him.

Pray for your co-workers, ask God to show you how to bless them, support them, and show His love to them.

Kick back and enjoy a few minutes of peace and quiet.

I hope you’ve had a great Labor Day Weekend and today you top it off with a little quiet time with Him, and your family.


the pilgrim

*Photo note: Nikon D700. 70-300 AFS VR, late afternoon porch at a New York State Park. Can’t remember the name but I can remember great fellowship with photographer friends, and that great light!

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