SANP – Knoxville, Tennessee

12 years, 7 months ago Comments Off on SANP – Knoxville, Tennessee

What a joy to go out for Nikon and share photography with and enthusiastic audience of your peers!  The Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers Association is such a group.  I’ve been a member of this group for a number of years and always love to get down and visit with them. The group is comprised of mostly serious nature photographers, but their range of interest is broader than that, more than anything they really love photography and this is the kind of group I love to share with.  People that genuinely love to make images are so much fun to relate to.  Having been bitten by the bug for over 42 years, I was right at home.  Part of my job at Nikon is to go out and crete excitement about photography.  Nikon has had a very long standing leader in the eduction area of photography with the famous Nikon School, the Nikon Digital School and the new Nikon Digital Video School.  I’n glad to work for a company that see the value i n keeping the flame of enthusiasm burning.


I’m also thrilled to get to see old friends in the field and three long standing friends were with me last night, Kendall Chiles, Bill Campbell, and Bill Lea, all great shooters and long time friends. This brings me to the praise moment, God is so good!  What a treasure to spend my life talking about the my avocation, photography, and my Lord.  The scripture says “if we seek Him first He will add provide all our needs, even the desires of our heart.”  Does that really work?  Follow me around!!!!!!!


Praises and blessings,


the pilgrim


Great sign at Calhoun’s  will definitely migrate over to the Cheeseburger In Paradise!


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