practical application

13 years, 12 months ago Comments Off on practical application

I had a rough night last night. Shoulder pain and a visit from a demon of anxiety and fear was
thrust upon me. It all started in late afternoon when I watched a tv show I watch from time to time.
The predictions for our country and our economy were pretty stark. I must have given it more thought than I realized. I woke up several times during the night each time having dreamed of some form of personal financial disaster. The last time I awoke, probably around 3:30 a.m. I started thinking about the blog entry yesterday and what God expects of us. A quick reminder, here is the scripture again:

Micah 6:8 (The Message Translation)

But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, 
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, 
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously – take God seriously.
When I fell back to sleep I had a wonderful dream that answered most all of my questions. You can decide whatever you want about the dream, but I think it will speak to you, as it did to me.
In my dream there was a man named David. He was in his late seventies. He volunteered at my church serving food at the various evening meals and for the Saturday morning fellowship breakfasts. David was a very kind, loving man, with a gentle manner. Everyone loved David and he had many friends among his church family. David had retired and was on a fixed income, but he took delight in serving others, and so he did. A few years ago David lost his wife of fifty years and it would have been a devastating blow where it not for the close friends in the church that surrounded him and ministered to his needs during those difficult days. In spite of his loss he never lost his outgoing love for others. David didn’t have much, but he never missed a meal, and was always warm and dry.
The other day there were two obituaries in the local paper. David’s and man named Frank. Frank had been a very successful business and political leader in the community. He was very wealthy but few people really knew him very well. In fact the greatest emotional turmoil in his family at his passing was the fight that ensued over his vast fortune. Family members that were never close were torn even further apart in their greed. Frank’s obituary read on forever, David’s was short an to the point.
On that very day David arrived at the Gates of Heaven and Jesus was waiting to greet him. When David walked though the gates Jesus embraced him and spoke softly in his ear, “Well done my good an faithful servant, welcome to paradise. It’s so good to have you here with me”
I don’t know where Frank was, I didn’t see him in my dream, but then I would not read too much into that. Frank’s fate is, and always has been, in God’s hands.
What I do know is that David lived by the scripture above, and all his needs were met, he had many people that grieved his loss, and many real friends. He made the lives of many others much better because of his love for them. Now, David is with Jesus. His reward is complete, he is reunited with family and friends and knowing David, from this dream, he will be standing at the gate to greet many of us, that’s just how David is, his love is that genuine.
When I awoke at 5:22 a.m. I knew I had to shower and write this down while every detail was fresh. I know this dream brought me great comfort and understanding, and took away my fears. I hope it does the same for you.
God is good, He loves us so much, He does not want us to be racked with fear and He has already shown us how to win in this life. Thank you Lord for sharing David’s story with me. Please give him a hug for me and thank him for helping one more person down here.

the pilgrim

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