How do you give?

12 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on How do you give?


How do you give?  As we prepare to find the perfect present for those we love, how are we entering into that special interaction with others? Do we give in hopes of getting something in return?  Do we give in hopes it will make up for past hurts or neglect?  I used to wear an wrist band that had WWJD on it, “What Would Jesus Do?”  In the area of giving what did Jesus do?  Well he did several things and we can learn how to give by following His examples:


1.  He gave with out any expectation of what would be given in return.  He didn’t say I’ll do this for you, if you will do that for me.  His deep love for us made it impossible for Him to give with strings attached.


2.  He gave because that is what He really wanted to do.  He did not feel obligated to give.  He didn’t feel pressure to give.  He didn’t worry about what others would think,  if He didn’t give.  He gave out of a full heart, overflowing with love and grace for us.


3.   He didn’t give to us because we deserved it, or had earned it.  He didn’t wait until we were better people before He gave.


4.   He gave to everyone.  He did not select just the rich, or famous, or powerful, but he gave equally to all who sought Him;  rulers, kings slaves, the poor, and the rich.  Men and women, Jews and Gentiles.  He didn’t play favorites, no one was too bad or too good.


Very soon you will be presenting presents to those you love.  Do it in the spirit of the man whose birthday we celebrate.


the pilgrim




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