
12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Tradition

Last night our family gathering rose to new heights as my brother Homer, and sister-in-law Terri
joined us for a cookout and the annual family portraits. Terri did a wonderful job, setting up a full blown studio right in our home. The family had decided on several different “themes” for outfits and one of everyone’s favorites was Kentucky Blue. I promised to share some of the results so here goes, a lesson will follow.

I’ve often said that this blog is not about me, so
this may seem strange, but it is another act of
supreme thankfulness. When I was a child
a Christmas tradition was to lay out on display
the gifts from Christmas morning with the cards
so that guests, back in those days, everyone
would get dressed up and visit family on
Christmas day, could see who received what
gifts. It wasn’t bragging or one upsmanship.
It was a way of saying thank you so much for
your kind remembrance of us.

This is my way of acknowledging the great gifts my Heavenly Father has bestowed on me. It is away of saying thank you so much for these great gifts. It’s also a gentle reminder to all who come here that they to have been richly blessed with those in their lives that God has gifted them with.
Last night we had a good picnic, took these images, and then settled in to watch old family pictures. Another tradition in my home. Each grandchild got to see pictures of their, great grandparents, grandparents, and parents from birth to the present. They got a history lesson on who came before them. After that they got see images of themselves growing up and the laughter
was music to my ears. Mostly they saw how a family is made up of love and caring, and I hope they got the message that, among God’s gifts, family is one of the most to be treasured and honored. Thank you Father……

the pilgrim

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