the benefit of blogging……..

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on the benefit of blogging……..

The blog produces a lot of interesting results, one is
the great opportunity to meet new people. A few
weeks ago I got an email from a pastor in Northern
Kentucky, D.G. Hollums, who had happened upon
my blog and he had some kind words to say. He
also suggested that sense we only lived a couple of
hours apart he would love to visit with me. I usually
am traveling so much that this kind of thing is not
possible, but since I was going to be in the office
more than out I felt led to say, sure. I’m so glad I
did, this is one fine young man and a new great
brother in Christ. We had a great morning talking
about photography, computers, (he is currently
working as a certified Apple trainer), and of course
a lot of time about spiritual matters. D.G. is truly
devoted servant and a friendship formed around
our love for Christ almost immediately. During the
morning of my helping him with Nikon questions
and him helping me with Apple program training
I found out that he is also a very talented Black & White photographer, as evidenced by his work displayed here.

The most amazing and fulfilling thing about our visit was that God has both he and I, and several other friends on a path that is very close. All of us have ministries to groups of people, and the way in which the ministry is being delivered, and blessed by God was amazingly similar. Not really so surprising when you consider that it was very likely Him, (Our Heavenly Father), that set this meeting up in the first place. When you are committed to serve Him, He will place you, and others in the right place, at the right time, to support one another, and fulfill His mission. You will be hearing more about D.G in the future, I am sure God has big plans for Him. I’m sure glad to welcome him into my spiritual family.

Thank you Father for a very blessed morning and the start of new friendship with another of your children.


the pilgrim

Loved this last one, a close-up of pine cone, really cool.
Thanks D.G. for sharing……

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