is this still america?

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on is this still america?

I got up this morning and turned on the TV and watched the morning news while I got my day started. Actually, the very first thing I did was read the morning devotional and prayed with Sherelene while she was getting ready for work. So, I’m watching the morning news show and these were the lead stories;

1. Politicians of both stripes were still arguing over how to solve our debt crisis. It is more than obvious that everyone involved is really worried, not about our country, or our economy, but about staying in power themselves. Makes me sick to my stomach.
2. The National Atheists Organization (whoever they are?) are protesting the placing of a cross made with steel from the twin towers at the site of 9/11.
3. Another group, (we have two many “groups”), was protesting the bringing of loud and unruly children into public places and “disturbing them”.
4. A politician is asking the IRS to take away the tax exempt status of an organization that hides behind that label to do character assassinations on candidates from the opposite party from theirs.
5. The Veterans administration is still denying the use of the words, “God” or “Jesus” at military funeral on federal property.
6. Economic markets fear downgrading for U.S. credit rating, bad reaction could come from the market and Fed interests rates, in and already shaky economy.

Fight, fight, fight, – argue, argue, argue, – lie, lie, lie, steal, steal, steal. Demand “my” rights,
deny yours. Take from the rich to give to the poor. Blame America for all the troubles in the world. I’m sick of it.

Here is my problem, what can I do? I’m just one person. I’ve had a life plan and it seems to work on a intimate level with those I come in contact with.

A. Love God with all my heart.
B. Treat others with the same love and respect He has given to me.
C. Try my very best to have character and integrity, to be honest, and treat others with
A. Allow others to be who they are, who they want to be, and allow them their own freedom.
B. Study the issues of the day, and cast my one vote for the persons that I believe will uphold
what I believe what was planned for our country from the beginning.

Frankly, I don’t like what I fear is coming. Our nation is in deep, deep debt. Even if we make wise decisions on how to fix the problem, which we seem to be unwilling to do, I’m not sure it can be fixed. Our nation has turned it’s back on God. Not everyone, but a significant number of people are walking away from, or refusing to acknowledge God in their lives. Nationwide church attendance is dropping at an alarming rate. Half of American citizens pay virtually all the bills and care for the other half of Americans. This is not sustainable.

We could see a collapse of what we once called America. What can we do?

As for me, I’m trusting God, turning to Him instead of walking away, saving instead of spending, making careful plans instead of acting as if none of this is happening. I’m praying for my country, my fellow citizens, and I’m trying to reach as many people as I can with the gospel. I’m trying to prepare my heart, mind, and spirit for the potential calamity that lies ahead. I’m constantly
reminding myself that, God is in control. Nothing can happen without Him allowing it. I pray that those in power turn from their ways and back to Him. I hope you are praying for your leaders, your friends, and family, and our country.

I’m sorry for sending out this warning call, I wish I didn’t believe it to be necessary.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: D7000 and 24-120 AF-S VR

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