Derby Week

12 years ago Comments Off on Derby Week


This week, starting tomorrow, I will be at Churchill Downs for the week.  It is a great assignment as we get to see and visit with lots of great friends in the horse racing photography world.  This is a great historic place that holds a lot of meaning for many Kentuckians, most of whom love horse racing.  I could take it or leave it.  I think it is colorful and entertaining, but it’s just not my cup of tea!  I will be working with a great team, Sara Moosebugger, our tech from Los Angeles, and Francis Yeh our repair tech out the New York office, great folks!


Pray that this week that God will give me many  opportunities to serve others for His sake and in His name. When hundreds, thousands of people are going to be around your life, God can open so many doors to offer encouragement, a kind word, even just a warm smile.  The longer I walk this path with Him, the more I realize how much He wants us to just be there, ready to serve Him.   The miracles of daily life with Him are incredible, the greatest blessings in life happen when you simple stand where he planted yo, and reach out with His love to others.  Please pray that I will stay focused on His work, His will,  this week!


I’m going to let you in on a little secret, when you ask God to give you opportunities to serve Him, He will!  I promise to share the miracles that He will bring to pass this week.


the pilgrim

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