Proud of my friends day………..

12 years, 9 months ago Comments Off on Proud of my friends day………..

Yesterday I had lunch with Jim Begley, and he shared RC Concepcion’s new book with me which has a piece on his work featured in it. It brought to mind just how fortunate I am to count such wonderful people as friends.

First, RC, wow what a talented man and what a great warm human being. I never spend time with RC that I don’t think how fortunate NAPP is to have him as part of the team. He is one of the most giving, considerate gentlemen that I know. In spite of his enormous talent, he is so unaffected by it.
RC is a real joy to spend time with. By-the-way, his newest book, The HDR Book, is a must have if you are into or thinking about getting into HDR. It is, like all his books, easy to read, and filled with great information. Congratulations RC, well done my friend.

Second, Jim Begley. Ever since we met a few years ago at a church photo class I was doing, we have become great friends. He and Chuck Summers, (coming up next), have become spiritual mentors, and wonderful photography buddies. Jim has an incredible eye and has worked hard to become a technical master of his craft. Jim’s HDR work takes a back seat to no ones. As hard as i’ve tried to capture the feeling in Jim’s work, I’m still miles away, and know I will never catch up, as I see his talent continuing to grow exponentially. More than all of that, Jim is a real friend, a man I admire and a person I know I can count on. Speaking of people you can count on…….

Third, and certainly not last is Chuck Summers. Chuck’s and my friendship goes way back. We met many years ago in the early GAPW (Great American Photography Weekend) years. Chuck has been a steady, devoted friend, who has prayed me through more circumstance than you can imagine. Fellowship with Chuck has been a real highlight of my life. Chuck is an immensely talented shooter and a gifted writer. Chuck is a pastor and I’m honored to be part of his flock.
I highly recommend that you visit his blog; it will greatly bless you.
He does Seeing Creation with another great friend Rob Sheppard.

One of God’s greatest gifts to us are friends. I can’t tell you how wonderful it has been to get to work and play with such great people as Scott Diussa, Bill Pekala, Mark Kettenhofen, and the rest of the NPS team. To hold such life long friends as Don Nelson, my brother Homer Fortney, Scott Kelby, Matt Kloskowski, Charles Stanley, Ricky Skaggs, Jack Graham, and countless others. The joy of new friends like; Jim Haverstock, Snake Barrett, Chuck Barnes, Larry Williams, Susan Scharenburg, Raymond Jabola, Carl Turner, Ron Pinkenburg, Tim Isaacson, and countless others that make me smile when I think of them. I know I’m leaving names out, please forgive me, you know I love you dearly.

I can’t make a list without saying my best friend, and the love of my life is Sherelene. No man ever had a better friend or partner.

God has richly blessed me with wonderful people to share this great life with. Thanks to all of
you for allowing me to be your friend…….

Most of all, what a friend we have in Jesus.


the pilgrim

Photo Note: RC’s book photographed with a D7000 and 24-120 lens.

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