Where the rubber meets the road

12 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Where the rubber meets the road

If you’ve ever watched a NASCAR race you’ve see the frantic pit stops where a team fuels the car and changes all four tires in less than 20 seconds. What you don’t see is the massive, behind the scenes, effort made by the tire sponsor, Goodyear, to have enough tires on hand for all the cars and teams in the race. The Goodyear trucks (yes trucks, plural) are parked right outside our Nikon office at the infield of of Kentucky Speedway. The importance of race car tires cannot be emphasized enough. It is the contact of that rubber on the track that can decide who wins, and loses, and even, who finishes the race. Traction is vital when you’re going through curves at over
150 mph.

In your spiritual life, the rubber that meets the road of life, is your relationship with Jesus. Everyday is filled with the curves of life, to maintain traction and keep it going straight you must keep in great contact with Him. Even the smallest percent of tire that does not grip the track can lead to a wreck, or an, out of control, spin. Even the smallest lack of contact between you and the Saviour, can lead to the same out of control sliding through life that happens to a race car without good tires. To walk in the path He has planned for you takes real contact with Him. Prayer reading the word, and meditation on His word will lead to the Holy Spirit’s deep involvement in your life. Don’t count on “luck”, remember, when mission control said good luck to one of the first astronauts in the Mercury Program, his response was, “Luck is not a factor….”

Don’t count on luck today, count on Jesus……….

the pilgrim

NASCAR Photo Gallery

*Photo note: Nikon D7000, 24-120 AFs VR.

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