
12 years, 10 months ago Comments Off on Worship

This past Sunday of the 4th of July weekend, my music minister at my church gave a very wonderful sermon on Worship. I usually think of singing and praising when someone says worship, but he backed up a more important definition with scripture. God made us to worship Him and the worship He desires the most, is how we “live” for Him.

I reflected on that for most of the weekend and it has been a great spiritual journey for me. The more I read the word, and the more I think on this sermon the more I am convinced that my music minister is absolutely right. God wants us to live in honor of Him. He wants us to apply what His Son, Jesus, taught us. What brings the greatest honor to God is the highest form of worship. I made a little simple checklist of how I hope to do that;

1. I will be genuine. I will not try to stand before God and fool Him about who I really am. Of course He knows anyway, but I will not stand before Him trying to pretend I’m someone both He and I know, I’m not.
2. I will seek His forgiveness. Since I’m going to be honest before Him, I will need to repent of my wrongs and ask His forgiveness. The great news is that I know He will forgive me.
3. I will ask for His strength, wisdom, and compassion as I relate to others. I have no hope of honoring Him, if the effort is done in my own strength.
4. I will constantly remind myself that this life, this opportunity to serve Him, is not about me.

I’m sure with more thought and prayer I will add to that list, but for now is daunting enough….

the pilgrim

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