Step One……..

11 years, 6 months ago Comments Off on Step One……..

All journey’s start with a first step, going to the airport is that step for me, well driving to the airport hotel to be close for an early flight is the first step!  I can’t tell you how excited I am about the week ahead!  It’s not going to theses incredible locations, I’ve been to them many, many times.  It’s not the hope of making another really nice shot, done that too!  It’s seeing how excited these folks are that will be joining us for the workshop.  You have to understand that if you’ve never been to a His Light Workshop it’s not like other workshops!  Don’t get me wrong their are many great workshops and workshop leaders out there, but very few that put Christ at the head of the table!  If you are a serious photographer, and a committed Christian, our workshops are the marriage of an unbeatable formula. What happens at our workshops goes way beyond just learning, but boy do our people learn!!


I am blessed with a great team of teachers that really know how to shoot, and love sharing their knowledge, but even better than that, they love people, and they enjoy meeting new people and renewing old friendships.  Something wonderful happens when you find your self surrounded by people that really know how to shoot and really care about you getting the shots you hoped you could make.  They’re a terrific group of men!!!


For years, I’ve run workshops and I’m not bragging, but I’m used to getting letters, calls and emails that say, “I had a great time learned more than I ever thought I could, and laughed a lot!”  Now I get those same calls, emails, and letters that now add,  “….and it changed my life!!!”  Now that is an experience worth looking forward to!


More soon from the blessed,



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