Walking up stream………

10 years, 12 months ago 16

One of my favorite expressions is “walking up stream”.  If you have never waded out into a pretty fast moving river and tried to walk against the current you can’t really appreciate just what that means.  In my younger years I was an avid white water canoeist.  If you canoe you will spend a lot of time out in waste deep water getting your canoe aligned in the current.  I can tell you that walking against swift current is one of the most difficult things you can attempt to do, the pressure is constant, there is no let up.  That is the way of the world today, if  you are a professing Christian, attempting to walk the walk, you’re walking into a never ending roaring current, going the other direction from where you are trying to go.


Let me start with the very clever cartoon at the top sent to me by John Gompf.  I’m not standing in judgement of gays, that’s not my job, God does the judging, He tasks me to love His children and pray for their salvation.  Is being gay a sin?  God says it is.  God also laid down a long list of things that are sin and He did not rank them!  So, if you are a liar, you’re a sinner, if you are jealous of others lives, you’re a sinner, if you have put any other thing above God in your life, you’re a sinner, If you commit adultery, (remember Jesus said it is just as bad to have adulterous thoughts as doing it!!!),  you’re a sinner!   Do you really want me to go on????!!!  Face it, the passage in Romans was right, “for we are all sinners, for we have fallen short of the glory of God.”


Try to keep that in mind before you throw stones.  So, back to walking up stream.  The world is hostile to people of faith, they don’t want to hear the kinds of things I just wrote above, they want to be told that they are just “normal” and they should do whatever feels good.  (“It’s a woman body and no one has the right to tell her what to do with it”, “We should be able to love and marry whoever we want!”,  “If I don’t have something I want, and someone else has extra, I can just take it.”  …and the beat goes on….)  I’m trying very hard to let go of the way the world is turning and walking in a different direction.  I have come up with a very short plan to help me live the kind of life I know He wants me to live.  Please let me share, I would love to hear your input too, we’re  in this battle together!!


1. I start everyday asking God to surround me and my family, and friends with His protection, grace, and love, and allow me to see His will for my life, and give me the strength to be obedient to His will.


2. I ask God to constantly remind me that every person I meet is one of His children, that His son Jesus died for.  No matter what they are doing, or how bad they seem to be in my eyes, God loved them enough to send His son for them!  The people whose behavior I despise the most, are still potential brothers and sisters in Christ, if they will ask for forgiveness and accept Him!  I ask God everyday to never allow me to stand in the way of their redemption.


3.  I ask God to help me concentrate on “the board in my eye, instead of the speck in someone else’s!”  It’s easy to feel you are walking with God, and others are not, and become judgmental, but we must resist that with all the power He can give us.  No one was ever led to Christ by being judged and condemned.


4.  I ask God to place people in my path that I can love, in His name, and with His love.  After an exhaustive study of the new testament and the life of Christ, I can find no instance where Jesus led people to himself with debate, argument, or coercion, every time someone fell on their knees before Him it was because they were overwhelmed by His all encompassing love for them, and the assurance that they could be forgiven!  I pray that I can exhibit that love in my life for others.


5.  I ask God to protect me from the temptation of the enemy to embrace what our world stands for.  The enemy says if you just conform you can enjoy any pleasure of this world and be free of judgment, but it’s a lie!   Accepting the standards of this world will only enslave you, and never give you true freedom!


Pray for those that mistreat you, and ask God to guard your heart from wanting to retaliate against the world, judgment is His, not ours.  Yes, the current is swift, and the walk is hard, but the God of the Universe is holding your hand, and walking with you, and against Him no force can impede His will for our lives!!!




the pilgrim


P.S.  Thanks for the cartoon,  John!



16 Responses

  1. Stanley Osei says:

    Wow! You just nailed it on the head, sometimes we believers have the tendency to think we are better than those who don’t know Christ yet and instead of being a light for them to know the truth we end up being the stumbling block in their way. I’ll continue to pray for God to grant you more wisdom so you can keep affecting the world for Christ. Shalom!

  2. John Gompf says:


    Great analysis or analogy? I am not sure which is correct or both. I am glad you posted the cartoon. It is so true as to how the world behaves. It frightens me every day to see what goes on and where we are headed. I , too, pray every day and night that God leads me on the correct path that he has chosen for me, protects me from my enemies and reminds me I am his child as well as everyone else is his child. AND I am no better than anyone else.

    Thank you,


    • the pilgrim says:

      Thanks John for your friendship and your insight, and you’re right we’re not better than anyone else, just forgiven!

  3. Bill Araujo says:

    Mr Fortney, I have watched and admired your work not only on your website but I’ve also enjoyed your classes on Kelby Training as well. I can honestly say that I believe you to be an inspiration and a truly nice man. While I am not tied to a specific church or religion, I try to live my life with somewhat similar values. I wish that all those who claim to be Christians had the same convictions and belief as you. Thank you for the inspirational post.

  4. Robert Christopulos says:

    Hi Bill,

    Excellent post. I’d take more time to talk, but I’d like to ask you to pray for us. I’ve been extremely ill-nearly died-I don’t think The Lord was through with me here yet as I’m still here.

    I’m a battle hardened soldier and He’s obviously got a few more recruits for me to teach-I’m so glad you’ve got the message
    A. By nature we’re ruined Sinners
    B. Christ isn’t willing to give up on us yet
    C. He loved us with an incredible love that led Him to lay it all on the line to suffer the most horrible degradation and death possible to rescue us from the slime pit of Sin.
    D. All He wants from us is to trust Him, for Him to transform us, and create a clean heart in us.
    E. He freely comes to dwell with, and in us, drawing us into His presence.

    Well done Bill, you’re becoming a good discipler, a good evangelist and soldier.

    There’s more for us to do before our race has been run.



    I hope God gives us one more time to rejoice face to face before He calls me Home.

  5. the pilgrim says:

    I will be praying for you!!!! You’ve served Him well and I too believe you have more to share! These comments are dead on point!!!! Love you man!

  6. David Warren says:

    Thanks for posting and so true.

  7. Sam Scott says:

    I once heard a man say about being a christian: “Any old dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a salmon with a backbone to fight the current”. I enjoy reading your posts!

  8. Joshua Boldt says:

    thank you

  9. Rodney McKnight says:

    Bill, I love this plan. Thanks…you are blessed with being able to put His teachings into everyday life!
    I’m going to pray for theses things each day too. Thanks brother!
