What is it about old cars and trucks???????

12 years, 11 months ago Comments Off on What is it about old cars and trucks???????

Early in my career I dreamed of vast vistas, beautiful waterfalls, and clear aqua water, now I get excited about rusting old trucks and cars. Later today I will arrive in Reno and plan to drive down to the Old Ghost town, Bodie, more old building, gas pumps ,and old rusted trucks. What’s the deal here? Actually I think I know. The older I get the more security I find in seeing things that date back to the year of my birth, and before. There is something comforting about anything made that long ago, (like me), that is still around. Rust will get us all eventually, but these old things are still a round to tell us stories about our past. In college, one of my minors was history, and one of the greatest lessons is that if we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it. That has certainly been true in my life. Maturing is learning from the past, and doing it better in the future.

The one thing I can’t do is become
a perfect man, maybe better
but not perfect. The Word teaches
us that “all have fallen short of
the glory of God.” I think that
means that we are all sinners,
we’ve all fallen short of what
God wants for us. We can’t
become what He desires with
our own efforts alone. We
must lean on Him and use the
strength and power that comes
from HIm. Does that mean we
can reach perfection through
HIm? We can be forgiven for
all our sins and become saints
in His eyes, but we still live in a
broken body, that will sin again,
we do however, have forgiveness
in Him.

It’s not about being “good”, it’s
about living moment to moment
in Him. True victory in life is
only attained when we give up
trying to do it alone and ask Him
to become the director and
producer of our lives.

Then and only then can we find real peace and joy, victory and purpose in our lives. Does this mean we can stop trying? No, God expects us to give our best effort in anything we do, but we have to learn that our efforts can only take us so far. I’ve often heard the old saying, “He pulled himself up by his own bootstraps.” I think if you arrive anywhere and still have your integrity,
character, peace and joy. You worked hard, and God filled in for all your inadequacies. I don’t have to believe I can do anything, I do believe that anything is possible with Him……

In His love and power, I am,

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: All images D7000, 24–120, 70-300, 12-24. HDR, Nik Color Efex 3.0, and Topaz Filters.

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