Time to speak out…..

10 years, 10 months ago 15

I believe that it is not my job to judge the world, my Heavenly Father has that one covered.  I do sometimes hear things that grieve me, and make me wonder just how much further down the world can fall!   While driving in my car the other day listening to a morning talk show, I listened to a recording that if I had not heard with my own ears I would’t have believed it.  Even more shocking was that I have not heard this reported in any other place.  At a rally held at the Texas State Capital regarding a new abortion bill being considered by the state legislature two very diverse groups were outside the capital.  Christian supporters of the Pro Life side of the debate were singing Amazing Grace, while Pro Choice groups were shouting “Hail Satan” and “Mary should of had an abortion.”  Yes you read that right, I heard it in the You Tube video link below.




I understand people having differing opinions on this issue.  What is frightening to me is that our society has finally taken of their gloves, and is showing the true venom in their hearts.  I fear for my country when that kind of unabashed hatred and vitriol can be on such display.  I do not wish to go to war with any groups that I do not agree with, but the time has come to speak up and stand our ground, the opposition certainly has made it’s choice!  Our media needs to decide where they stand, not reporting this kind of outbursts is a failure to keep the public informed.

Maybe they have already shown us where they stand……


Pray for America,


the pilgrim




15 Responses

  1. Cauley Hayes says:

    Hear, hear!
    Saw that several days ago and can only wonder how far down we’ve come as a nation, especially since 2008….


  2. Glenn says:

    While these particular individuals are certainly a disgrace we should not allow their actions to define the larger issue at play here in Texas. There are valid points held by both sides, it unfair to capsulate either in their entirety by what songs a few may have been singing. Personally I have as much problem with the far right overreaching to force their values on others as I do the far left, even being the right leaning Christian I am. As the Bible says and you referenced, let God do the judging.

    • RodneyB says:

      The issue at this rally are the House Bill 2 and Senate Bill 1, to ban abortion, in Texas, after 20 weeks gestation. That was the specific issue at this rally. But the ‘larger’ over arching issue is abortion, plain and simple. I cannot imagine, as a Christian, what valid points an abortionist would have. As for pro-lifers, banning abortion is not ‘their value’, it is a Biblical value. And as a Christian Glenn, it should be your value too.

    • the pilgrim says:

      I must gently and kindly cut to the core, what is at risk is human life. It’s not a choice, it’s a life.

      • the pilgrim says:

        I’m uncomfortable with state or federal laws being needed to stop a practice that, as a people we haven’t already, self determined, as simply wrong. If I ask myself, under what circumstances can I “decide” to end a life, I think I’ve lost a sense of what place I have in the entire scheme of life on earth. For me, that is not a decision that I have the “right” to make. On a side note, I would highly recommend that anyone who has not seen the film, Amazing Grace, check it out. That film tells the story behind the authoring of that hymn. That “song” has taken far greater meaning for me after seeing that extraordinary story.

  3. Jorge A says:

    Hi Mr. Fortney, first of all let me say I’m a new fan of your site, found you while watching a kelby video and am really enjoying your posts, pictures and your new quest for the system that best suits your needs. On another note, I’m totally with you on these, things are becoming more a more severe, but not only in the US, here in Mexico, where I live, things are really bad, and more notorious since a few years back, now there’s no safety when one goes out on the street, you can either get robbed or killed, and to think my small city was once a place where anyone could walk on the street at any hour of day or night. And people are becoming more insensitive and more indiferent and that makes me really sad, I’m not christian, but I truly believe in god, and there’s no need to say that I’ll be praying for america, south america, europe, africa, and the rest of the world, because this is not the place we used to lived anymore, things are getting really tricky. Wish you the best and please count me in as one of your fans from now on. Greetings.

    • the pilgrim says:

      Thanks for responding. The first fundamental principle to go when a society breaks down is the care and concern for others needs or safety! When man starts to only consider self, at the peril of others, we all lose our liberties. I am strongly opposed to abortion, but for me to take the life of the abortionist is no different. Far right and far left have one thing in common, in my opinion, they’ve lost sight of the welfare of others. When all I want, is what I desire at the cost of someone else’s freedom and safety, I cease to be a follower of Jesus Christ! I pray for those that defame my Savior by suggesting He should have been aborted, after all, He died for them too. I don’t hate them, I do ate their behavior, and in fairness, I hate my own behavior as well, on occasion.

      • Jorge A says:

        Thanks for your words Mr. Fortney, you are absolutely right, sadly people these days thinks less about what they are saying or doing, and what was said on that protest was really wrong, I’m against abortion, and against people atacking other people, either physically or with words. I’m no saint, but I think I’m really far from acting like them, with that kind of malice.
        Thank you again Mr. Fortney, and lets hope things can get better, for everybody, but we all need to start taking care of each other and stop inflicting harm upon others. Take care, I’ll keep reading your great blog!!!

  4. Joshua Boldt says:

    the world breaks my heart

  5. David Warren says:

    Wish I could say that things will get better (read the first chapter of Romans and the book of Revelation).
    I think I our mandate as Christians is to keep sharing the Gospel as long as we can and show the love of Christ to others, whether we agree with them or not, as much as we can. The rest is in God’s hands. Come Lord Jesus.

  6. J. DeYoung says:

    Yeah, It got ugly.
    I have a friend who lives down there and was out photographing this mess.