Answered Prayers

11 years, 6 months ago 8


Thank you for your prayers, they are being answered!!!   Jim and I have had a wonderful time with our group of friends in the Smokies.  We went out this morning for our second shooting session, last nights attempted sunset was not spectacular but the fellowship sure was!  This morning a trip into Cades Cove produced a bumper crop of great close-ups!  Hope you enjoy them and again, thank you for your prayers!



O.K. the pencils weren’t in Cades Cove they were Cathy Smith’s, an she let us have fun with them!




the pilgrim


Photo Info:  Top Shot Black and White of Jim – Fuji X100s


Next two close-ups in Cades Cove – Nikon D800 with 200mm Micro Nikkor


Last Image of colored pencils  –  Fuji X-E1 with Fujinon 60mm Micro

8 Responses

  1. Danny Raphael says:

    Always enjoy the stories and testimonies, Bill. Also appreciate the “camera/lens used” info for each image. Great to see (and read about) how you have leapt into “retirement” with both feet. You’re just getting started! Keep the motor revving! Blessings, Danny

  2. Susan in Columbus says:

    So glad that all y’all are having a wonderful time. LOVE the beautiful B&W of Jim — it should be on the His Light corporate stationery, what with the hat, the light filtering in the windows…

  3. Lisa Gordon says:

    These are so beautiful.
    Glad you are having a good time!

  4. Jim says:

    What a photographer….. Bill, not me. What fun it has been watching Bill’s mission take shape and just Blessed to be a part of it. Thank man.