I’m smiling tonight!

11 years, 5 months ago 10

What makes you happy?


Please allow me to share a few thing that have me smiling, actually laughing out loud tonight! Above is a picture taken of Dr. Charles Stanley and I at his 80th birthday party in Atlanta last year.  That evening we not only celebrated his birthday and ministry but the release of his new book, I Love To Tell The Story.  This gigantic coffee table book is some of his best work over a very long life of photographing his favorite subjects.  Please forgive me in advance, for bragging, but the reason i was there was to receive one of the first books signed to me, in thanks for my having written foreword to the book.  I know, I can’t believe it either!  Charles is such a dear friend, and tonight he called me to tell me Santa Claus had just come to his house. He was as excited as a child on Christmas morning, thus the Santa Claus reference!


Charles and I are teaching a workshop along with my partner Jim Begley, and the His Light team in Glacier National Park in mid September,  It is traditional that you pay the “star” speaker a fee, but Charles kept refusing to let me pay him, so I knew what he loved and got him several boxes of cool photography toys, a Fuji X-E1, 18-55, 55-200 and some key accessories. (He already own most everything Nikon makes!!!)  I knew he was also trying to lighten his bag and I thought this might help!  So  back to what is making me smile!   I have to say his joy was infectious and I have smiled all night at his happiness!  Charles knows how to do a lot of things very well, and one of them is show appreciation!  I wouldn’t have been any happier if the boxes had arrived at my house!!  I can’t wait to see all our friends in Glacier and get to spend that time with Charles too!


The second thing that has really made my day is the wonderful responses you guys have had to my latest Kelby Training Class, Photographing Vintage Auto Americana, at Old Car City.  So many of you have shared kind words.  I always dread seeing myself in my classes, I have a hard time watching myself, but I felt pretty good about this one.  You’ve made me feel even better. Now if all of this were not blessings enough on Tuesday I fly out to Las Vegas for Photoshop World and a great reunion with so many of the NAPP family!



God has so richly blessed me with wonderful friends and great experiences!  Best of all I’m home a lot more and get to be in the same room with my bride of 43+ years, Sherelene.


Thanks you Father, I know I don’t deserve any of this, but I’m truly thankful for your wonderful gifts!




the pilgrim


10 Responses

  1. Jim Begley says:

    I just can’t wait to see some of the images that Dr. Stanley gets with that bad boy…… this is going to be fun.

  2. Dick Ginkowski says:

    I met Dr. Stanley years ago at “the Ox.” He gave me his card and invited me to stop by “if you’re ever in Atlanta” and I told him I’d be there on day job business in a couple of months.

    Well, imagine the look on the face of a northern Catholic seeing the First Baptist Church of Atlanta for the first time (happened to be near where I was staying). I mean, it was almost its own little city. Parked car, walked in and got a little, “What are you doing here?” look from a receptionist until I produced what must have been a magic card. “Oh, Dr. Stanley said that you might be visiting before or after your meetings. Come with me.” I believe he truly enjoys nature, photography and photographers. And if he gives you one of those magic cards and tells you to stop by, he means it.

  3. Rodney McKnight says:

    Its so much fun to give isn’t!!!

  4. Pastor Mike says:

    Wish I was there. Dr Stanley is one of the greatest speakers, on the word of God.

    • admin says:

      I agree Mike!

      • Claudiia says:

        I don’t need a male model. Don’t ever ask again. Ever. LOLSpiderman for six hours sounds like six hours of aswsomenees, and him jumping on you sounds hilarious.When Jack pretends to be a football player, he tells me he wants to play football, goes and gets the ball, and proceeds in tossing it at my eye.I love it.

  5. I can’t wait!!!!!!