Wrap Up………

10 years, 11 months ago 11

The workshop in Northern Ohio was a blast, I really enjoyed having that much time with my really great friend Jack Graham!  Jack is a terrific shooter and runs a great workshop. I was honored to be invited to co-teach with him!  He had some wonderful attendees and it all was a lot of fun. Because of the childish behavior of our elected, but not serving, (personally would love to keep this bunch out of Washington permanently!!  but that’s another story….) representatives in Washington, the national park was closed but we found plenty of neat things to shoot.  We found an antique shop with  lots of great things to shoot and a wonderful old Pure Oil station.  A classic car show happened to be be going on and one of the owners of a 1947 Auburn pulled in the station and kindly let us enjoy his car for a about twenty minutes!


I thought I might share some of the take from the weekend!  Enjoy!







And, of course, another face for my friend Bill Pekala!!





the pilgrim


Photo Note”  Fuji X-E1 and Fuji X100s cameras




11 Responses

  1. Joshua Boldt says:

    Love that car photo

  2. admin says:

    Thanks, me too!

  3. Eric W says:

    Nice Bill. Love the texture, and the color as always. The car and station just fit…could not have planned it better!

  4. David Wilson says:

    Things seem to work out. Had the park been open, you likely would have missed shooting the Auburn at the station. I like the station and car. The Pure tires sign has a great nostalgic feel that communicates more than what is in the image.

    • the pilgrim says:

      That is what I love about Americana photography, it is such a pleasant assault on our memories!

    • Gerardo says:

      Antioch would certainly be on the list, but it seems to me chcurh structure in the first century may have enough variation to investigate all the NT chcurhes we can. Still, given the available choices, Jerusalem and Antioch may have the most data.BYW, thanks for the book reference. I’ll be looking at that one when I get back to campus. It looks to be worth a read.

  5. Mike Watson says:

    You’re a photographer hero of mine, Bill, love your work. That ’30s Auburn Boattail Speedster is among my all-time favorite cars too. What a great confluence!

    • the pilgrim says:

      It sure was, it fit the time period, and was such a classy color too! The back story is also really special, and I will talk about it in today’s blog!

  6. Dave says:

    Hi Bill, nice work. I especially like the car at the station and seem to be in the majority on that one. Being here in Ohio I was sad to not be able to make this workshop. I know I would have loved it and learned a lot. Hopefully, next time.