Winter meets fall! We got our second snow this morning. My wife buys and plants flowers each late summer, early fall. I love having the vibrant colors of spring and summer on our back deck! Sitting on the couch in our great room I was enjoying watching the snow fall and loved the brilliant yellow flowers peaking out from under their new blanket of snow!
There is something more important going on here, it’s thankfulness. I was warm and sheltered from. the cold late fall winds, I was comfortable watching Chester sleep on his bed and warmed by a nice fire in the fireplace! I am a happy man to still be able to enjoy all these things at almost 79! I hope you are just as content and thankful today!
the pilgrim
Technical Note: Lumix G9. ISO 800, f 4, n1/200th of a second. Zuiko 40-150 f 2.8 Pro Lens with the 1.4 converter ( 420mm equiv.). Hand held
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This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 at 3:41 pm
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It is cold as well…….it’s really cold out there today, so I pulled a favorite image from the files!!! Years ago when I was a Tech Rep for Nikon Professional Services I attended/covered the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. What an amazing event! If you are looking for a place to shoot color for color sake, this is the event! Enjoy!
the pilgrim
Technical Notes: Nikon D600, 70-300 lens.
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This entry was posted on Thursday, December 5th, 2024 at 5:19 pm
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It was a great Thanksgiving and this image above is what I’m so thankful for! We were thrilled to have our entire family home for three full days! Please let me introduce them to you! Back row left to right; Sherelene, Rhonda, Catherine, Clint, Ben, Scott, Diane. Front row, left to right; the pilgrim, Abigail, Cassidy, Cade, Tawny and Kernes. We had a lot of good conversations over way too much great food! Since Scott and his family and Catherine and her family all live in Florida, St Augustine and Tallahassee respectively, we rarely have all the family together! We were only missing one member, Elijah, who was having to work that evening.
I hope you all were surrounded by people you love and that love you!!
the pilgrim
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This entry was posted on Sunday, December 1st, 2024 at 3:18 pm
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Like most of us, I have a lot of “Junk” in my life! To many things; collections, stuff, material possesions that I don ‘t really need, so on Thanksgiving I won’t be thankful any of that! So what will I be giving thanks for?
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his forgiveness and grace!
My family; Sherelene, Scott & Diane, Ben, and Tawny & Kearnes. Catherine & Clint, Cade & Cassidy, Rhonda, Elijah and Abigail. My brother Homer. I’ll be thankful for the years we had Wesley with us here. For all of the rest of my family!
For a handful of the best friends a man could hope for, too many to name, but especially, Jack, Jim and Carl.
A life filled with adventures and joys to numerous to mention!
I plan eat too much good food and love on my family and sleep like a baby the night after!
I hope you do the same!
Happy Thanksgiving week!
the pilgrim
Technical Data: Lumix GX-85, Lumix G Vario 35-100/f 2.8 II, ISO 800, 1/1,000th of a second at f 2.8
This post has 10 comments. Click here to read them
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 26th, 2024 at 8:19 pm
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