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10 years, 4 months ago 5

You may be wondering what some lobster floats has to do with Christmas?  Let me start by asking you a question, please?  Which Christmas is this for you?  Your first, your tenth, your forty fifth?    I have often thought that your first “real” Christmas comes after you’ve given your heart and life to the One Who’s birth we celebrate.  Once you know Him you will never look at Christmas the same way, ever again!  My greatest hope, my deepest desire, is that everyone I know and love will know Christmas as I know it.  There are dozens of people that are on my specific prayer list, people whom I greatly love, that have not yet accepted Christ’s offer of forgiveness.


In scripture it says he will make us fishers of men.  I know that is what I am, it is my most fervent mission.  What better time could there be to meet Him than as we approach His birthday!


I can tell you one thing for certain, you will never receive any gift so precious as His love, acceptance and forgiveness!


Merry Christmas,


the pilgrim


P.S.  I had lunch with Chuck Summers today, we both drove over a couple of  hours each to have one of our too infrequent lunches.  On the drive home I was reminded of how blessed I am to have a man like Chuck, be willing to call me his friend!  This is just one of the wonderful rewards of accepting our Lord!  He will fill your life with His special servants and you’re new bothers and sisters!


Photo Note:  iPhone with Simply HDR App

10 years, 4 months ago 3

Rodney!  You got it, I’ve become such a sucker for black and white, sorry about that Jack, I meant monochrome!





the pilgrim

More to come!

10 years, 4 months ago 24

A pretty big snow, for us, was predicted last night, but we just got a dusting.  I love snow, but even a dusting was enough for some photographic fun!  I love the contrasts and the opportunities for color and monochrome.  I had taken Sherelene to work this morning so I grabbed the Fuji X100s and used it to do a photo hunt.










It was a fun morning, I never cease to be amazed at how much God has blessed me to be able to enjoy such a fun life!




the pilgrim


O.K. let’s have some fun.  I have an image from this morning that is far and away my favorite.  Can you guess which one?   I’ll reveal it tomorrow!

10 years, 4 months ago 2

I have to admit something, I’m a big kid when it comes to Christmas!   love Christmas movies, Christmas decorations, the way people smile and wave, and wish each other well!  (I live in Kentucky, we actually do those things here!)  I know they do that other places too, but in some places people are in a big hurry and don ‘t take the time!  So let me offer a suggestion or two on how to make this a great Chrismtas!


*  Find someone everyday to embrace and wish them and their family a very, Merry Chrismtas!


*  Take part in a service at your church that reaches out to others, a toy drive, a Christmas dinner, or the delivery, or assembling of Christmas baskets, it will raise your spirits!


*  Spend some alone time in the word reading the Christmas story, and watch a good film that depicts the story of Christmas, and the birth of Christ.


* Find a good version of Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.  (I like the 1957 version starring Alstair Simm as Scrooge!)  If you take it to heart, it is a life changing message!


* Gathering your children or grandchildren around the tree and read them “Twas the Night Before Christmas”, and watch their eyes sparkle!


*  Give your spouse a personal gift, and take the time to thank him or her for loving you, for another year.


*  Celebrate the greatest gift of all, the birth of our Savior, Jesus!




the pilgrim