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2 months, 4 weeks ago 4
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Tony Rogers came by today and we processed some of his work from the Tour along the Coast of Maine with Kirk Williamson!  I was so proud of his work that I wanted to share some with you guys!  He has made great progress and it really showed from his trip, I hope you enjoy these images as ch as I did!  Special thanks to Jack Graham, Kirk Williamson and Jim Haverstock who have been helping me work with Tony!





Congratulations Tony, great work!




the pilgrim

3 months ago 2
Posted in: blog


We’ve just gone through a National Presidential Election.  Whether your preferred candidate won or lost, it’s over, done, history, kapoot!  What’s most important now is what we do as a country!  Lots of ugly and angry things have been said over last few years and a lot of people have been hurt, but it’s time to heal and get on with living our lives in our country, of which we are all citizens!  The photo above is of a set of steps on a caboose in downtown Corbin, where I live.  Corbin is a railroad town, it grew up around the railroad yard and shop of the L&N Railroad Company.  The displayed caboose is a nod to that history.


The wording on this set of steps is a pertinent warning to us all.   We can build an even greater country if we do it together!  If we let the things that upset us go and support our leaders and help them make the changes that will improve life for all of us!  We won’t all want the same things and there will be disagreements for sure, but we can have them with a new higher level of civility!  At least I hope we can!  So, be careful and watch your step, think before you say it out loud and try to have understanding and compassion for the what the other person is saying.  It’s going to be hard, but we can do better, I sure hope we do!




the pilgrim

3 months ago 5
Posted in: blog



I don’t do a lot of still life shots, but on a drive through downtown Corbin I found this bicycle in front of an antique store and it just struck me!  It was in the shade and the low contrast light allows the white walls on the tires and the lettering on the antique store windows really pop and stand out!  


Hope you enjoy it and will comment on how you would have shot it!!!!!




the pilgrim


Technical data: Lumix GX85 – Lumix G Vario 35-100/f2.8 @ 100mm and f 2.8  1/800th @ f 2,8.   Vivid Color setting. –   Shade White Balance

3 months ago 2
Posted in: blog



It seems after Halloween all preparation heads straight for the Christmas season!  That’s fine with me, I love Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday!  I live in southeastern Kentucky and it is a unique place to live.  I’ve heard a lot of terms used to describe the folks that live down here, probably the most often one used is hillbilly!  Now because I am part of the group, I don’t take offense!  Actually my neighbors are authentic, genuine, friendly, helpful, mostly God fearing, country loving people.  If someone has a house fire they will knock each other down rushing to help, support and provide for their unfortunate neighbor!  If you move in the neighborhood you can count on a visit with food and an offer of help to unload the moving van.  If that describes a Hillbilly, I’m proud to be one!


When it comes to decorating of Christmas, a lot of folks go all out!  This guy has a pick-up truck in his yard and he faithfully gusseys (mountain term), it up every Christmas to show his Joy!


Hope it makes you smile, I think that is what he had in mind!


Blessings and joy,


the pilgrim