Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on ADDICTED TO JOY………

I was thinking this morning just how much of a joy it is to be a photographer. On the way out to St. Louis last Friday, I stopped to get my car washed. Sitting in the car while the car wash was doing it’s thing, I started to see the various patterns on the windshield, I grabbed my camera, (always on the seat next to me when I travel), and started to enjoy capturing the moment, sure hope no one was watching! The point is I really enjoy life. I have come to a place where I can laugh at things that happen, that used to make me cry. I’ve learned over time that most things that happen to us, even when they seem terrible at the time will later be a source of laughter so why not just laugh when it happens.

I think this is the direct product of a moment to moment relationship with my heavenly father. He has promised us that he will never allow anything to happen to us that does not benefit us. Even though the process of learning and growing can be painful at the time we are going through it,
later when it really matters, we are better and wiser because of it. Think of it this way, life is going to have it’s share of troubles, would you rather have to endure them with no benefit at all, or would you like them to always be good for you in the long run, I’ll take the later.

Father, thank you for giving me such a wonderful life while here on earth. You’ve allowed me to meet and work with some incredible people, see awesome things, and be part of a fantastic family. I could never say thank you enough. Thanks most of all for helping to learn your ways and become more dependent on you each day, and for forgiving me for all I have done that has grieved you. Amen.

the pilgrim

Below a few shots from St Louis.

*Photo Note: All images D7000 and the new 24-120 AFS VR f4 lens.

Weight In: Down “just” 1 more pound to 230 Started at 239 1/1/11 – Need to get more serious…….
Goal is at least 8 lbs. per month.

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on A profile in courage

Richard Small sent me the link below. It is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. As a pilot I can’t even imagine flying a plane with my feet. This young lady shows all of us just how far we can go even with the greatest handicaps. Though it does not address her faith anywhere in this Power Point presentation, I can’t help but believe that she has a deep faith.

If you think you’re having a bad day, or think you’ve been dealt a tough hand, watch this before you take that thought too far down the road of life.

I thank God that with all the things that hold me back, I’ve never had to face anything like this
and I thank him that he has used this young woman as an example of how wonderfully he made us that we can overcome anything!

Be blessed,

the pilgrim

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on Taking a moment to be thankful….

This morning I got an email from my dear friend, Captain Steven W. Young. Steven is a 767 Captain for United Airlines, usually doing the LA to Hawaii flight each weekend. Tough job, but somebody has to do it….. Steven and I met through the world of ultra light aviation. Steven and I both fly Part 103 ultralights and find incredible joy from it. I’ve also been blessed by his friendship and mentorship as a pilot.

This little clip is a great way to start your day, actually everyday. Take a moment to watch this little video clip and think about it’s incredible message. I pray it blesses you as much as it did me,
and Steven for one more favor, thank you!

the pilgrim

I dedicate this entry to my son Wesley, who has the deepest respect, and heart for our service men and women. I’m proud of you son………

Check the Events page, it has been updated!

No Post Friday, traveling to St. Louis, may post Friday evening…..

13 years, 3 months ago Comments Off on Preventing rust

Rusting is the common term for corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel. Given sufficient time, oxygen, and water, any iron mass will eventually convert entirely to rust and disintegrate.

Is your spiritual life rusting? Believe it or not, if we don’t take vital protective action our spiritual lives can
disintegrate as well. Here are some thoughts;

1. Stay on your knees. If you are in constant communication with God, you’re building a wonderful barrier between you and the forces of this world that will “eat away” at your spiritual condition. When we are communicating with God, we are putting ourselves in the right position to be made aware of any danger to our spirit.

1. Stay in the Word. God provided his instructions, warnings and encouragement in the Word. We need a
daily reminder of His love, His provisions, and His wisdom. It’s all in the Bible.

1. Stay humble. Remind yourself every morning that this life is not about you, it’s about Him and when we
get that down pat, life becomes a lot more joyful.

1. Stay ready. God will surprise you with what He has in store for you, and it won’t always be what you were
expecting, be ready, exciting times are coming…..

1. Stay with His directions. Sometimes God seems to be taking us down a road that seems curious. Don’t
worry, He knows what He’s doing.

1. Stay thankful. Whatever is happening in your life, thank God for it. It says in scripture that He will not
allow anything to come into your life that will not be for your good! “In all these things give thanks for this
is the will of God for you……”

I don’t want rust to eat away at the peace and joy that I’m enjoying. I know tough times will visit me again, just as they have in the past. I’ve twice survived cancer, and neither experience was fun, but in retrospect
God used both illnesses to mold me into a better man. I’ve learned to enjoy good health and I’ve learned that even cancer and death cannot separate me from the Love of God.

May His greatest blessings be with you,

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: D700 with 70-300 AFS VR lens, f11 @ 1/15th of a second exposure. Image filtered
with Topaz Color Pop. Pipes exposed to sea air on top of the main building, Alcatraz Prison. I wasn’t
a guest there.

Wednesday Weigh In: Sorry forgot to post this this morning. I was down 2 more pounds for the last week.
Total loss so far 8 lbs. Start 239 – Today 231