Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on An old picture of some, now, older men……………..

This photograph is probably around thirty years old. The guys in the picture are thirty years older, now. A few years before this picture was taken that I met the man on the far left. This is Don Nelson and he probably had more to do with the success of my career than anyone but, Sherelene and the Lord. I meet Don over thirty years ago, and he became a lifelong friend, we have prayed each other through cancer, and entertained more audiences than I can count. Don introduced me to Hugh Morton, and Grandfather Mountain, invited me to speak and then moderate the Southern Short Course. He introduced me to people that became lifelong friends like staff members at the Smithsonian, and at National Geographic. During my long friendship with Don I met and got to know the legends of photography of our era. What a grand time we had.

More important than all of that, Don became a dear, close friend. Don has always been there when I needed him, and I’ve done the same for him. We’ve seen each other soar high, and hit bottom. We’ve laughed and cried and grown old together. Don sold me my first F3 film camera,
the first in my part of the country. Much of what I know about Nikon came from the long sessions I spent with Don. We’ve enjoyed the best things a friendship and can be. Christmas is a time of giving and receiving. Don has given me so much and I have gratefully received his friendship and the joy of exploring the world of photography together.

When Don and I, and Tom and Bob above got together it was always nonstop laughter and

Thank you Father for the blessing of a friend like Don. I pray that everyone will, at least once in their lives have such a friend.

the pilgrim

P.S. Chris, Jeff, and Scott, give the old man and extra long hug for me this Christmas, I know you love him just as I do, he really deserves it!

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on As white as snow

Sorry for another late post, I went into the Smokies this morning early to do some shooting before I started back into Knoxville and then home. I was in Cades Cove at sunrise and the temp was 12 degrees. As painful as the temps were they were more than made up for with beauty of the landscape. In the way out I stopped an one of my favorite stream spots, in Tremont. With a little snow cover the stream was beautiful from the one lane wooden bridge, on which I’ve stood so often over my shooting career.

The snow covered rocks were a reminder of how God’s forgiveness makes us as white as snow. When I think of all the mistakes I’ve made, things I’ve said and done that have displeased God I find it amazing that He could ever forgive me. Maybe that’s why they call it Amazing Grace.
As you start to prepare your heart for this Christmas Season, think back to what you were and what He has made you to be. If anything can get anyone into the Christmas spirit, that surely can.

the pilgrim

*Photo Note: Shot with a Nikon D700 and the Nikkor 17-35 AFS lens, Nikon polarizer, tripod ,and electronic cable release. F22 @ 1.5 seconds.

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas………………

I visited some clients in Knoxville and Gatlinburg today and then slipped into the Smokies to get a few shots. In the high mountains they got over 16 inches of snow. It looked a lot like this, if you could have driven high enough to make the shot, this shot was made several years ago, but trees are trees, and snow is snow, either way this looks like Christmas to me!

Hope to have some other shots to share after a shoot tomorrow. I did get by the Primitive Baptist Church in Cades Cove and got a shot I converted to Black and White that I liked. Please let me encourage you to get out and shoot some new things, it might be cold, or the light might not be what you hoped for, but it’s still fun to push that shutter release.

Father, thank you for the wonderful opportunity to capture your world.

the pilgrim

13 years, 5 months ago Comments Off on The gangs all here!!!!!

Well actually the gang is all home. This weekend I was joined by Kris Bosworth (she is much better looking than in this shot, she’s in the edge of a wide angle lens), Jose’ Ramos (looking at the camera) Mike Anskat and Berrie Smith in the background working on attendees camera and the pilgrim. We spent Saturday helping fine folks like those to the right side of the frame. I’ve said it many times, this is a great job. Great people to work for and with!

At this event I got to spend a little quality time with two people I think a great deal of, one a long time friend and one a new friend. I’ve known Gary Chapman,
Gary is an award winning photojournalist, turned full time photographic assistant for God. Gary travels the world to some of the toughest places to make images that make a difference. I met Gary way back when he was with the Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky. Gary has always been one of my favorite shooters, his work has real soul, something that you can’t say about lots of shooters. Gary is a wonderful friend and he lives is faith, it was great to catch up with him.

A new friend who I met some time back and saw at the Showcase class I did several months ago is
Carl Turner. Carl is what I would call a Christian entrepreneur. He has been a financial advisor for a number of Christian organizations and been a very successful business man himself. More important than all of that he truly loves the Lord and is a joy to visit with. We had a great conversation during lunch.

I bring all this up because again today I want to praise God for the countless blessings of this life.
I can’t thank, or praise Him enough for all the great people He has placed in my life.

The Thanksgiving holiday may be past, but giving thanks to Him will go on forever.

the pilgrim