Category : Pilgrim’s Chronicles

8 years, 7 months ago 6



My website is called Photography & Faith, I wish I had named it Faith & Photography because for me Faith comes first.  I’m so thankful that today we are seeing an explosion of quality films that carry the message of Christ.  I recommended, highly, Do You Believe, and before that, What If,  both are examples of this new era of  Christian films that carry the life giving message of  Christ in effective and powerful ways. Woodlawn is the latest and may be the greatest yet!  What is even more amazing about this wonderful film is that people all over America have actually bowed their heads and accepted Christ into their hearts right in the theatre at the end of the film!  So today you have a BIG Decision to make, are you going to go and see this film, and then recommend it to others, especially those you know, that have not found a relationship with Jesus Christ!?


A beautiful side note is that veteran actor Sean Astin, (Lord of The Rings, Rudy, Goonies and many other films), appeared in Woodlawn  which was his third Christian film, but during the filming of this movie he gave his heart to Christ!!!!  I’ve joined many others in praying for him for some time!!!  He appeared in the film Rudy with my first cousin, Ned Beatty.  I’ve been  fan for years of his work.






Decisions Number Two, a Little One.  One of the big discussions in digital photography today is Full Frame or APS-C Sensor, which is best and why?  The image above is by Lars Authen from Norway.  He declares himself a hobbyist, but you couldn’t prove it with his work, which is excellent.  Here is link to his article about his love affair between the Fuji X-System and the Nikon D810.


In Lars article he very accurately describes the differences and advantages/disadvantages of each system.   His article mirrored my own experience, with both systems and the experience of my friends, Jim and Sue Haverstock.  He points out that the substantial 36 megapixel sensor in the 810 gives incredible detail when pixel peeping at life size and greater, a point I will happily agree with.  He also pointed out some of the ways the X-System is more user friendly in terms of the What You See Is What You Get nature of mirror less cameras.  I think his article which is fair and even handed, points out that it is more important to know what kind of work you do and what camera system best meets your needs.  I know that the Fuji X-System is perfect fit for me and my style and kind of photography, and how I use my images. For someone else that may not be true, and I’m fine with that.  You can make wonderful images with any modern camera, but the better you know your likes and dislikes the happier you will be in the process of making images, and after all that is the most important thing!  Even if it is a “small” decisions!


Have a great weekend, I’m off Monday to the Ohio/Amish workshop with Jack Graham, I’ll keep you posted!




the pilgrim


Quick Thank You, to the great group in Chattanooga at the Chattanooga Camera Club, they really made me feel welcome and I always enjoy visiting and sharing with them!

8 years, 7 months ago 12



“Little Things that you do, make me glad, I’m in love with you!”  That’s what Bobby Goldsboro sang!  On the last trip I got to thinking about how some little things make our jobs so much easier!


FIRST:  Above and below, “Snake” Barrett put me onto a new strap system from Peak Design. They consist of a neat tab that attached to the cameras strap lugs, and snaps in and out of their holders, for when you don’y want a dangling strap on your cameras.  My only problem is I’m madly in love with Wapiti Straps made with real Elk Skin.  The straps from Peak Design are nice soft Nylon, but they won’t stay on your shoulder.  Fortunately the holders have a smaller slot that the Wapiti straps thread through perfectly, so, problem solved, and I love these snap tethers!




SECOND:  How do you get a few filters to work on all your lenses?  Step Up and Step Down Rings!  Tons are available on Amazon and they can make it easy to use that favorite 77mm filter fit all your lenses!



THIRD:  We all shoot digital, well 99.9% of us, and that means we must have batteries, now is there a better way to charge them?  Companies like Watson and Kastar make chargers that show a graphic that keep you informed about the condition of your batteries,  Watson makes dual chargers, and Kastar makes single chargers with interchangeable plates so you can charge a number of different batteries, I know all the batteries for the Fuji System are covered and it appears all the major brands are too!  Amazon has both!  They charge faster and I’ve loved using them.



FOURTH:  You always have lots of extra filters, you know, the ones you don’t use all the time? What to do with them????  MindShift makes a small, beautiful filter folder called the Filter Hive Mini, it will hold a few plexiglass split neutral density filters and a couple ofd 77mm glass neutral densities.




FIFTH:  We don’t carry canisters of film anymore, but we sure use memory cards.  Now I’ve used a lot of brands, Lexar, Sandisk, and others but my favorites and the most reliable for me have been from Delkin.  I not only have had a terrific luck with them, but their customer service is outstanding.



SIXTH:  Now something that is just plain fun!  Fuji makes a little INSTAX printer that works with Bluetooth and makes really cool little prints, (the return the Polaroid age!)  While I’m not a big instant print guy,  my grandchildren really love them and it is worth it for just that!!!!



Some fun things, some essential things, some just plain great things!




the pilgrim

8 years, 7 months ago 12




We had a great week in Nova Scotia and truly appreciated Kevin Finch’s efforts and hospitality to his warm and beautiful country!!!  Today on the flights home Jim shared some of his favorites and they were, as always, spectacular!!  He asked me to pick my 5 favorites, which was tough!  I thought I might share a few of my favorite images, not already published.  I have no reason to pick these except they represent the joys of shooting in Nov Scotia,  for me!




I shoot three version of every image with the Fuji X-T1, a Velvia (pumped color), Provia, (close to accurate color) , and a Monochrome with a red filter.  These two, both, did it for me, for different reasons, you can think about them and react if you would like!!




These lobster floats had a very interesting pattern to their ropes and i liked the lines of the stripes in the floats!



With sunrise light, killer color and the tack sharp 90mm Fuji lens, how could you miss!



Same goes for tho orange rope and pilings!



A boat that is past it’s prime was just to much fun to capture and process for affect.



Finally, I just an never resist shooting what people paint on building, and this one was really interesting!!!



….and finally, it may be predictable, but red buildings and a white boat, gotta do it!!!!



Thanks for tagging along this week!




the pilgrim


By-the-way, the two coiled rope shots were with the Fuji X30, a great, compact, carry camera!!


O.K. just for fun, this is the lead image converted to a monochrome in Silver Efex Pro 2.  I put it at the bottom so you would have to scroll back and forth to compare them, each has it’s own qualities, the color shot is all about the color of the hulls, the monochrome all about shapes, yet both work, but which works best?????  You decide.


8 years, 7 months ago 7



We started out the day today in Bridgewater and got a great sunrise reflecting in the river.  Some boats docked near by were our subjects for the first light!





We then started down the coast and I began my experiment with seeing how the Fuji X30 would do, shooting with it for the rest of the day.  I’ll let you judge for yourself, but I was very pleased with the kind of work I was able to do with this $599. camera!!  I think it will be a constant companion and I won’t doubt it’s potential ever again!!  By-the-way, a friend forgot his “L” bracket so I gave him the one I had on the X30 to him, so all these images are “hand-held”!!!  Makes it even more of an impressive performance!









Lastly, when I spoke to the Halifax Camera Club, Monday night I met an amazing man named Doug Murphy!  His ability to see faces in common places amazed me, so I promised him I would try to see faces on my trip.   Now these are not up to his standard, but at least I’m trying,  These are for you Doug!  You  can see his work at:



So one last shot, I processed another  image from Peggy’s Cove, thought I might share it too!!!!






the pilgrim