Daily Archives: July 17, 2012

11 years, 10 months ago 5

Got in at 1:30 a.m. from Amherst.   Atlanta was it’s usual train wreck in summer, high winds and thunderstorms delayed my flight for four hours!  I could scream and kick and cry, but then it’s over, I’m home for a few days, and then it’s off to the next assignment, what’s new!  I had a great time at NECC, so many wonderful friends to visit with and meeting and getting to know a bunch more.  It was really nice to meet our new TSR Alex, the meet Kris Bosworth’s husband (just married), spend time with Bob Watts, and what a joy to have time again with Bill Durrence, a very good, old friend, he’s not old, well actually we both are, but the friendship is a long one!  I enjoyed presenting to the folks and Saturday night Joe (McNally) proved once again why he is one of the very best in the business, what a great shooter, entertainer and guy!   The bigger the stage the more impressive he is, he had over a thousand in  the audience!  I really enjoyed seeing Wayne Bennett, as always, and it was terrific to meet Mike Moats, finally, what a great guy, and really talented close-up artist.  All in all it was a great trip.


For the next few days it’s catch up on reports, organize for a week at Oshkosh, America’s biggest air show, and spend time with my bride!  I will be running a continuation of the manual focus lens test at Oshkosh, and hoping to post a lot of aerial stuff for you next week.


Today’s Principle from Charles Stanley’s 30 Life Principles;


5. God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable. 



One of the hardest things for  me to do,  personally, is follow God’s direction and will when I don’t understand it.  I’m sure we all struggle with that, but Charles is right, we are not called to understand allHis ways, just be obedient to His will.  The good news is that in my entore walk with Him, I have never once taken the wrong path when I follwed His will and was obedient, not once!  So if I lean on my own understandign, I may miss His greatest blessings!


the pilgrim